It is highly recommended that you check-in with your Program Advising team each semester.

Peer Advisors work closely with Program Directors, and together they can provide discipline-specific guidance as you progress towards your graduation and career goals. Peer advisors are fellow students who have the training and experience to help you navigate the following academic advising functions:

  • 4-year planning
  • Program Evaluation and Credits in major
  • Course content review
  • Recommend major electives
  • Minors within program
  • Study Abroad incorporation with major
  • Graduate school/career (in conjunction with program advisor)
  • Draft resume/ cover letter preparation (in conjunction with Career Advisor Elisa Hernandez)
  • Identifying internship and research opportunities

Meet Your Peer Advisors

Crosby Tinucci

Biological Sciences – Crosby Tinucci

Mondays | 4:00 – 5:00 PM | Keck Center 171
Thursdays | 1:00 – 2:00 PM | Hashinger 50

Contact Crosby >>




Maddie MillaEnvironmental Science & Policy – Maddie Milla

Tuesdays & Thursdays | 11:30 AM -12:30 PM | QDOBA in Argyros Forum

Contact Maddie >>





Tiffany Vallejo

Chemistry – Tiffany Vallejo

Tuesdays | 4:00 – 6:00 PM | McCardle Steps, Keck Center
Thursdays | 5:00 – 7:00 PM | McCardle Steps, Keck Center

Contact Tiffany >>





Ashley NicholsBiochemistry & Molecular Biology – Ashley Nichols

Wednesdays | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM | McCardle Steps, Keck Center

Contact Ashley >>




Shun KatoBiochemistry & Molecular Biology – Shun Kato

Thursdays | 2:00 – 3:00 PM | McCardle Steps, Keck Center

Contact Shun >>





Sabelle O'ConnellMathematics – Sabelle O’Connell

Mondays | 6:00 – 7:00 PM | Keck Center, first floor at tables by the Physics Labs
Wednesdays | 7:00 – 8:00 PM | Keck Center, first floor at tables by the Physics Labs

Contact Sabelle >>





Amelia RosetoPhysics – Amelia Roseto

Hours TBD

Contact Amelia >>





Haley AndersonComputer Science – Haley Anderson

Wednesdays | 12:00 – 2:00 PM | Keck Center, first floor tables outside Keck 130

Contact Haley >>