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Dr. Keller’s research blurb featured in The Pickleweed

July 8, 2013 by | News

Professor Keller was recently tasked to write about his experiences during previous research at the Huntington Beach marshes.  Below is his detailed and colorful blurb of that research from 2011.  The blurb was featured in this year’s Spring-Summer newsletter for the Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy. Enjoy! Exploring “Blue Carbon” in the Marsh By Prof. Jason

Dr. Piper’s Research on Animal Habitat Selection featured in Nature

June 26, 2013 by | News

Over the course of a 20-year study, Dr. Walter Piper led a team of researchers in tracking and observing birds across the north-central United States.  Throughout their research, they found that when common loons settle down to breed, they prefer familiar nest sites over better lake sites.  Read the official press release below, and check

Dr. Glynn Shares Findings on Pregnancy Hormone and Postpartum-Depression

May 28, 2013 by | Research

Recent findings suggest a possible link between a placental hormone and postpartum depression. Science news website, LiveScience, spoke with Associate Professor Dr. Laura M. Glynn about her research on the stress hormone Placental Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (pCRH) and postpartum depression.  Dr. Glynn’s study shows that the levels of pCRH could eventually help predict a woman’s

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