Dr. Jordan's Theory of Weak Value Amplification Plays Key Role in Boosting Precision Optics

December 6, 2021 by | Research

Co-director of the Institute for Quantum Studies Dr. Andrew Jordan’s theory of weak value amplification with waveguides inspired a breakthrough in the development of a device that is a more sensitive, robust and compact platform for measuring optical phase. In partnership with researchers from the Institute of Optics at the University of Rochester, the device


Chapman University Presidential Fellow Joshua Fisher Named to Global List of Influential Researchers

December 6, 2021 by Gregory Goldsmith | Faculty

Dr. Joshua B. Fisher, a Presidential Fellow of Ecosystem Science in Schmid College of Science and Technology at Chapman University, has been named a Highly Cited Researcher for 2021 by Clarivate for his contributions to the field of geoscience. Fisher studies water, carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems using a combination of supercomputer models,


Schmid Alumni Experience Their White Coat Ceremonies

November 16, 2021 by | Alumni

Congratulations to our Schmid alumni who recently had their white coat ceremony! The White Coat Ceremony is a rite of passage for many students starting their program in the healthcare industry. Let us know if you recently had your white coat ceremony >>    Lindsay Zumwalt ’20 – Texas Christian University and University of North Texas


8th Annual Southwest Regional Meeting of Organismal Biologists

November 8, 2021 by | Research

On October 23rd, 2021 Chapman University hosted the 8th Annual Southwest Regional Meeting of Organismal Biologists, where students, faculty, and postdocs are able to discuss research through short talks, posters, and informal discussions.   Dr. Doug Fudge and Dr. Patricia Lopes hosted over 100 visiting biologists and students who are doing integrative research in the


Journey to Veterinary School - Johnny Altwal '21

November 1, 2021 by | Research

Johnny Altwal, ’21, graduated with a B.S. in biochemistry and molecular biology, found his way to Colorado State University to begin his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine. Recently, Altwal’s research on 3D printing of animal surgery was published in the Veterinary Surgery Journal, the only journal pertaining to surgery in veterinary medicine and is the official


Welcome New Schmid College Career Advisor: Jose Bejar

October 18, 2021 by | News

Join us in welcoming our new Schmid College Career Advisor, Jose Bejar! As the Career Advisor, Jose is here to help students find opportunities and resources regarding their respective career routes, as well as answer any questions or concerns! We asked Jose a few questions to get to know him and his interests! Q&A with


2021-2022 Schmid College Peer Advisors

October 4, 2021 by | Faculty

We are excited to introduce our Fall 2021 Schmid College Peer Advisors! Peer Advisors work closely with Program Directors, and together they provide discipline-specific guidance as you progress towards your graduation and career goals. Peer advisors are fellow students who have the training and experience to help you navigate the following academic advising functions: 4-year


2021 IWOTA Conference Hosted at Chapman

September 7, 2021 by | Events

On August 9th through 13th, Chapman University hosted the annual International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications Conference to bring together mathematicians and engineers who work in functional analysis and its application to related areas. This international conference brought over 200 attendees from all over the world, with guests participating on campus and remotely.


New Schmid Faculty Spotlight

August 31, 2021 by | Faculty

Join us in welcoming our new additions to our Schmid College faculty! To introduce them to our community, we asked each new faculty member a few Q&A questions to hear about their previous experience and interests. Click the links below to read more about each faculty member! Cecilia Zurita-Lopez, Ph.D., assistant professor of biochemistry. Welcome


Unraveling the mechanisms that control parental care in birds

August 18, 2021 by Holly Secon | Research

When animals become parents, they often need to change their behaviors in ways that allow them to protect and ensure the survival of their offspring. What happens in the brain when an animal becomes a new parent? In humans, even people who have not experienced pregnancy, such as fathers and adoptive parents, are able to

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