118 posts tagged

Biological Sciences


Alumni Spotlight: Physician Assistant – Kayla Ferrari ’12

March 4, 2019 by | Alumni

Kayla Ferrari received her bachelors in biological sciences from Chapman in 2012. Following graduation, Kayla went on to graduate school at the University of Southern California. She now works as a physician assistant at Altamed Medical Group in Santa Ana.  During her time at Chapman, Kayla served as president of Global Medical Brigades, was an

Biological Sciences Faculty Dr. Hagop Atamian Receives Half a Million Dollars in Federal Research Funding

February 20, 2019 by | News

First-year assistant professor of biological sciences Hagop Atamian, Ph.D., received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA) to utilize natural resources in agricultural productivity. A plethora of microorganisms in the soil interact with plant roots and help them grow better, and so far

Meet the New Dean: Jason Keller, Ph.D. Congratulations to Dr. Keller on being selected as Interim Dean of Schmid College

January 7, 2019 by | News

Chapman University has selected Dr. Jason Keller as the interim dean of the Schmid College of Science and Technology. He replaces Andrew Lyon, Ph.D., who has served as dean of Schmid College for the last four years and has been appointed to lead the University’s new Fowler School of Engineering, as its founding dean. Dr. Keller earned

Schmid College 2018 Commencement To Feature Dr. Lynn Loo Dr. Loo headlines the final two week stretch of Schmid College events for the 2017-2018 school year

May 4, 2018 by | Events

Schmid College is proud to announce that Dr. Lynn Loo, professor in engineering and Director of the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton University, will be delivering the keynote address for this year’s commencement ceremony Saturday, May 19 at 8 a.m. on Wilson Field. In the Chemical & Biological Engineering Department, Dr.

Announcing the 2017-18 Schmid Student Leadership Council

September 12, 2017 by | News

Schmid College is pleased to announce the 2017-18 Schmid Student Leadership Council (SSLC)! The SSLC is a select group of Schmid College undergraduate and graduate students who serve as leaders and ambassadors for Schmid College of Science and Technology, as well as advisors to the Dean’s office and the faculty of Schmid College. “This is

Research: Just Do It Biological sciences senior Jessica Rush’s advice after presenting her climate change research this summer in Puerto Rico

July 10, 2017 by | Research

I’m a rising senior double majoring in Biological Sciences and Spanish. Most importantly, I have been a “Swamp Monster” since spring semester of my sophomore year. Being a Swamp Monster means I, along with other undergraduates, work alongside Chapman faculty Dr. Jason Keller and Dr. Cassandra Medvedeff Zalman conducting research in wetland ecology.  It also

Schmid College Students Take Top Honors at 2017 Campus Leadership Awards Taylor Patti wins Cheverton; Sara Wanous wins Peterson; Taryn Miyake wins Huntington

May 5, 2017 by | News

At the end of each academic year, Dean of Students Jerry Price, Ph.D. and his office celebrate remarkable achievements among the Chapman University undergraduate student body at the Campus Leadership Awards. Schmid College students took many honors, including three of the highest: the Ronald M. Huntington Award for Outstanding Scholarship, the Gloria and Julian Peterson

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