76 posts tagged

Environmental Science & Policy


Oh,The Places They’ll Go: Class of 2014

March 31, 2014 by | News

From CalTech to Stony Brook – our graduates are going places! Lena Buckendorf is heading to her first-choice dental school, the Dugoni School of Dentistry at the University of the Pacific.  First, though, she’ll travel with Dr. Christopher Kim and several other students from his Kim Environmental Geochemistry (KEG) Lab to the international Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference

Tue. April 8: Dr. Cathleen Jones of JPL lectures on Sinkhole Research

March 24, 2014 by | Events

Dr. Cathleen Jones will be giving  a talk about the Bayou Corne Louisiana sinkhole. Sinkholes are a major concern in costal areas. Her lecture, entitled, “Bayou Corne Louisiana Sinkhole: Precursory deformation and sinkhole expansion measured by radar interferometry” will be held Tuesday, April 8, 2014 in Argyros Forum 119B at 1:00 p.m. Cathleen E. Jones,

Chapman Climate Change Expert Invited to Speak at the American University in Cairo

January 9, 2014 by | News

Over winter break, Chapman professor Hesham El-Askary traveled to the epicenter of political change to talk about another kind of change on everyone’s mind: climate change. Dr. El-Askary, associate professor Schmid College of Science and Technology and member of the Center of Excellence in Earth Systems Modeling & Observations , recently traveled to The American University in

Environmental Science and Policy Student Named 2012 Udall Scholar

April 19, 2012 by | News

Angel Flores ’13, an environmental science and policy major who also helps with his family recycling business and is a member of the cross country team, has been named a 2012 Udall Scholar by the Udall Foundation. In addition to the $5,000 scholarship for his senior year, Flores will attend a four-day Udall Foundation program

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