75 posts tagged

Environmental Science & Policy


Tue. April 8: Dr. Cathleen Jones of JPL lectures on Sinkhole Research

March 24, 2014 by | Events

Dr. Cathleen Jones will be giving  a talk about the Bayou Corne Louisiana sinkhole. Sinkholes are a major concern in costal areas. Her lecture, entitled, “Bayou Corne Louisiana Sinkhole: Precursory deformation and sinkhole expansion measured by radar interferometry” will be held Tuesday, April 8, 2014 in Argyros Forum 119B at 1:00 p.m. Cathleen E. Jones,

Chapman Climate Change Expert Invited to Speak at the American University in Cairo

January 9, 2014 by | News

Over winter break, Chapman professor Hesham El-Askary traveled to the epicenter of political change to talk about another kind of change on everyone’s mind: climate change. Dr. El-Askary, associate professor Schmid College of Science and Technology and member of the Center of Excellence in Earth Systems Modeling & Observations , recently traveled to The American University in

Environmental Science and Policy Student Named 2012 Udall Scholar

April 19, 2012 by | News

Angel Flores ’13, an environmental science and policy major who also helps with his family recycling business and is a member of the cross country team, has been named a 2012 Udall Scholar by the Udall Foundation. In addition to the $5,000 scholarship for his senior year, Flores will attend a four-day Udall Foundation program

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