36 posts tagged



Guest Lecture: New Massive Gravity, from the Outside In

March 22, 2013 by | Events

Dr. Colin Cunliff of the Quantum Gravity Group at University of California, Davis to speak on campus about Massive Gravity. Recent years have seen a surge of interest in theories of massive gravity. These models extend Einstein’s theory of General Relativity by giving mass to the graviton, the particle which carries the gravitational force, and

Dr. Roman Buniy Presenting at the University of Cambridge

August 16, 2012 by | News

Dr. Roman Buniy, Assistant Professor of Physics and Computational Science, presented his latest paper “An Algebraic Classification of Entangled States” at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge. Abstract: We provide a classification of entangled states that uses new discrete entanglement invariants. The invariants are defined by algebraic properties of linear maps

Physics Students Tour Pasadena Jet Propulsion Lab

August 15, 2012 by | News

Drs. Roman Buniy and Eric Minassian took several Physics students to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena May 29. Students were able to tour the laboratories and control rooms where the Mars Lander “Curiosity” was developed and launched. They were also granted access to several prototype and replica robots, which are used for mission control for the Curiosity. The

Nobel Laureate Dr. David Gross on Fundamental Physics

March 24, 2012 by | Events

Chapman University welcomes Nobel Laureate Dr. David Gross as he explains the theory that unifies all the forces of nature and helps scientists understand the origin and history of the universe. He also discusses what it might mean to have a final theory of fundamental physics and whether science is capable of discovering it. Gross

Prof. Aharonov’s Discoveries Inspire One of 2011′s Top Breakthroughs in Physics

December 21, 2011 by | News

The ground-breaking concepts of Yakir Aharonov, Ph.D., professor, Schmid College of Science and Technology, and his group continue to inspire other quantum physicists and capture the science community’s attention. In their December issue, the editors of Physics World listed a Canadian team’s experiments based on Dr. Aharonov’s weak measurement discoveries as one of the world’s

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