Recently I sat down with Shari Waters and Mark Woodland to discuss the long-term mobile strategy for Chapman University.  We appreciate the enthusiasm to create mobile apps / web sites but please be patient.  It is important that we deploy these technologies in a way that is coordinated and organized.  We are aware that some of you have started researching the deployment of mobile apps or mobile websites already.  We do not want to:

  • Duplicate efforts
  • Duplicate expenses
  • Output inconsistent branding / messaging
  • Output technology of poor quality
  • Disorganize our mobile strategy

We do want to:

  • Coordinate our mobile strategy with our .edu website overhaul
    • Timing
    • Look/tonality
    • Utilize our new CMS (Active Campus’ replacement)
  • Integrate with existing Chapman systems, and consider future systems (for example, the new ERP)
  • Do something cutting edge – not duplicate what others have done years ago.
  • Consider maximum compatibility for users (iOS, Android, Blackberry, etc)

This is the beginning of an ongoing conversation.  Please comment, share ideas, ask questions, argue, and generally help us create the best possible mobile strategy for Chapman here at

Also, if you have mobile websites or apps that you like please add them to our list here.

If you are interested in this topic, please read the articles below:

Thank you,