September social media scoop graphicThe September Social Media Scoop is available for university social media admins! The Scoop provides our university social media admins with applicable tools and resources to grow their pages. 

The September issue includes “Quick Tips” to master consistency, avoid copy and paste, and inspire creative copy for Facebook posts.

I am especially excited to announce Chapman University’s official social media signature. Several staff members have asked me for social media icons to include in their work signatures. SMC is pleased to present a unique “social media signature” bar that all staff members may include in their signatures. This bar links to an interactive platform and list of Chapman University social media accounts. This “bar” include the official icons for each platform and adheres to the requirements by Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. There are two versions available based on your preference: grey or white social media signature. Please remove other social media icons you may have in your current signature. Email me at for either design.

social media bar
Other articles in this issue are “Homecoming 2012: Say Cheese!” and “Orientation Chatter Succes.” Both articles explain the interactive activities planned for Homecoming and share the exciting post, tweets, and photos from Orientation earlier in September.

Do you want to learn more about social media? Do you have a particular topic you would like me to discuss? Please feel free to email me at to submit a topic of interest.

Happy Tweeting!
Sheri Lehman
Interactive Marketing Specialist