Social media buttons for several platformsSocial Media Resources

Strategic Marketing and Communications is pleased to announce a Guidelines and Resources section for university admins. Among the resources is a Social Media Section written by me for you.

This section is written for beginning and intermediate social media users. Although we visit our personal sites often, managing social profiles for your department and/or college requires different attention to detail. As a university social media administrator, dive deeper into the social media era.

Discover. Identify and Define. Execute.

SMC’s Social Media Resource Section provides tools and links to learn more about each social media platform.

Use the Social Media Planning Guide to:

  1. Identify departmental goals
  2. Determine how social media will accomplish your goals
  3. Decide which platform is the best fit and who will administer your social media page

If your department already has an account, the Planning Guide can help track your progress and conclude if your goals are, in fact, being met. When your page is ready to publish and you have reviewed the Policy, register your page with SMC.

Social Media in Higher Education

Are you curious how social media plays a role in higher education? Learn more about social media’s B2P communication model which emphasizes valuable contents and genuine contributions. The Resource Section outlines the goals of Chapman’s entire social media direction and the university’s current social media endeavors.

Dive Deeper

In addition to the Social Media Planning Guide, I have designed two PDFs for university admins to learn about Facebook and Twitter in further detail. Facebook FAQS highlights:

  • How to use your page
  • Types of posts available of Facebook: updates, photos, links, milestone, etc.
  • Naming and disclaimer guidelines for Chapman University
  • Buttons that link you directly to Facebook’s Help Center for Businesses

Twitter Tips highlights:

  • How to use your account
  • Types of tweets: tweet, Mention, Reply, ReTweet
  • Naming and disclaimer guidelines for Chapman University
  • Buttons that link you directly to Twitter Support

On behalf of SMC, I hope this Resource Section serves you well. Get connected and start off on the right foot. The social media world is tricky to navigate, but you can utilize these resources to help your departmental pages reach success.

– Sheri Lehman