Most people who know me can agree I love to talk. I love a good pun or joke, and I love a cheerful “hello,” especially online. While many colleges and universities are still struggling to adapt to social media, several are excelling with creative and conversational tweets on Twitter. Their charm is crowd-pleasing and attractive, and leaves a lasting impression with everyone.

I recently wrote ”
10 brands having awesome social media conversations
“ for Medium featuring companies such as JetBlue, Best Buy, Levis, and Oreo. Several colleagues and friends asked if I considered a version for higher education, so here it is. I do not focus on the number of fans or followers. I did not base this list off Student Advisor’s
Top 100 Social Media Colleges
. Lastly, I did not rank these universities in any way. I feature these ten accounts because I’ve stumbled across their chattiness in the past few months. See for yourself:

1. University of Central Oklahoma

Screen shot of OCU's Twitter

University of Central Oklahoma is down to get their hands handle a little dirty. Their Twitter feed is filled with responses digging for more information to answer questions and share leads. They chat with all types of fans, offering humor and empathy to those that tweet them. From tweeting business hours to quoting movies, they do it all with a smile.

2. University of Oregon

Screen shot of University of Oregon's Twitter

University of Oregon is another university who spends a respectable amount of time responding to their audience. From prospective students to soon-to-be alumni, their charming responses would definitely sway my decision!


Screen shot of UCLA's Twitter

Filled with Replys, UCLA’s Twitter feed responds to students, alumni, and fans of the university. Their responses answer questions and connect people to helpful links, resources, and athletic live feeds. It’s not too sudden, UCLA. I love you and your Twitter account.

4. University of Florida

Screen shot of University of Florida's Twitter

A university referenced in many higher education social media presentations, the University of Florida goes above and beyond responding to tweets. They respond with poise, professionalism, and humor, proving that all three of these things can co-exist.

5. University of Washington

Screen shot of University of Washington's Twitter

University of Washington is a spirited Twitter handle welcoming new students, solving application problems, and spreading #GoDawgs pride. It’s not possible to love UW too much, even online.

6. Texas A&M

Screen shot of Texas A&M's Twitter

Between their branded tweets, Texas A&M still makes room for Replys and Mentions. “Whoop!” Their Twitter accounts rocks.

7. Franklin & Marshall

Screen shot of Franklin and Marshall College's Twitter

Franklin and Marshall’s Twitter handle may not have as many Replys and Mentions as others (taking size of school into consideration), but their responses are superb. Have I chosen this Twitter account wisely? I think so.

8. DePaul University

Screen shot of DePaul University's Twitter

DePaul University’s tweets are 99% enthusiastic. They tweet with a smile (literally) and insert themselves into conversations to be helpful, congratulatory, and approachable. They even build community by involving other campus Twitter accounts. #bonuspoints

9. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Screen shot of UW Madison's Twitter

University of Wisconsin-Madison is another well-known university in the higher education social media scene, but rightfully so. They reference pop-culture and current trends making their account interesting and relevant. Their odds are favorable…

10.  Oregon State University

Screen shot of OSU's Twitter

Oh the humor, Oregon State University. Among welcoming tweets and charming responses, they are also sympathetic, empathetic, and helpful.

(Bonus: Chapman University)

Even here at Chapman, we like to have our fun. Tweeting back and forth with students, alumni, and friends makes social media more rewarding, entertaining, and memorable. Living 10 minutes from Disneyland doesn’t hurt either…

Screen shot of Chapman University's Twitter

There are countless colleges doing stellar things on social media. It was challenging to pick ten because I know many wonderful people managing accounts like the ones above. Please add more chatty, creative, and witty university Twitter accounts in the comments below. Let’s keep the list going!

Featured image by mkhmarketing.