33 posts categorized in

Social Media


State of Social Media at ChapmanU 2017

July 20, 2017 by | Social Media

While reading the Simply Measured State of Social Media 2017 report, I thought it would be helpful to pull highlights from that article as a resource for the Chapman social media community. Social media marketing has undeniably evolved into an integral marketing function for any business, from brand awareness, to direct conversions, to customer service,

Best Practices for Social Media at ChapmanU

November 29, 2016 by | Social Media

Social media is constantly changing – keeping up with it all can be a lot of work. That’s where I come in! As things evolve we want to make sure the marketing/communication team members are aware of the new tools and the best ways to use them. During the November Communications Council meeting, I gave

100,000+ Social Posts in the Chapman Community

November 10, 2016 by | Social Media

Big news! We have exceeded 100,000 posts on the approved Chapman University social media accounts! This is a huge milestone for the Chapman community and we could not have done it without the consistent efforts of the social media managers across campus (that’s you). Why are we so excited?  The 100,000 posts are equal to

The Making of a Viral Video: May the Fourth Be With You

June 3, 2015 by | Social Media

There are several Star Wars geeks within Chapman University’s department of Strategic Marketing & Communications, and recently, a few of them banded together to celebrate May the Fourth with a tribute to Star Wars. “Mark Woodland, our boss, wanted to make a video,” says Patrick Garcia, digital arts and animation specialist in the department of

Chapman Online: Social Media Do’s and Don’ts

February 17, 2015 by | Social Media

Are you in charge of managing social media with an organization? What about using social media to increase enrollment or donations? Chapman University has strategically set up CU outlets for your school or organization to succeed online.  Maybe you are just getting started or you have been at it for a while. Whatever the case, SMC is always

Sound the Trumpets: Announcement Posts for Your Blog

November 4, 2014 by | Social Media

Sometimes, you just need to publish something quickly so there’s a page online with information for people to access. Sometimes, you want to publish something awesome, but it only need two sentences. This might be an updated time and location for an event, a faculty accomplishment or award, an intimate performance with a guest artist, or urgent

3 Ways to Stay (Digitally) Connected With Chapman

June 11, 2014 by | Social Media

If you are new to the Chapman Family or new to social media, we invite you to stay in touch with Chapman University with these easy steps. 1. Social Media Facebook Facebook is still our “heartbeat” social network. We regularly post photo albums, detailed updates, and news announcements.  You can access Facebook on

Facebook vs Instagram: let’s compare – or not

May 2, 2014 by | Social Media

Last week, articles across the Internet read: ” For Your Next Social Media Campaign, Look to Instagram “; ” Instagram Is a Marketer’s Best Friend – For Now “; and ” Instagram’s Sweet Spot: Better for Brands than Facebook and Twitter? ” Social media marketers have noticed a decline in reach on Facebook and heightened

Now open source: our WordPress social metrics tracker

April 24, 2014 by | Social Media

The Chapman University web marketing team wanted to find out which blog posts resonated the most with readers. Because Social Networks make data about shares and likes publicly available, we built a WordPress plugin to track which posts were being shared and liked the most. Download plugin from WordPress.org    Fork us on Github

Jonah Berger at Chapman: March 31 2014

March 21, 2014 by | Social Media

Hello Chapman community! Jonah Berger is the James G. Campbell Associate Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He has published dozens of articles in top-tier academic journals, and popular accounts of his work have appeared in places like The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post,

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