6 posts tagged



Title, Tag, Describe: Do It Right on YouTube to Get Noticed

March 17, 2014 by | Social Media

Almost every college and university has a YouTube channel (some have multiple channels), but are these channels really getting views? Are their videos connecting with their audience, and if not, why not? It’s possible to post an amazing video on YouTube and then see it linger, lonely and forlorn, with just a handful of views.

Conversation With a CU Outsider RE: Chapman’s Upcoming Website

March 13, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Hello readers, Recently, someone from the outside asked me about Chapman’s new website.  I decided to include part of my response back to them on this blog in case anyone else would benefit from it.  See below: ______________________ Chapman’s current website is approximately 10 years old, so we wanted to be sure to hit this one out

Content Migration Update

March 1, 2012 by | Website Overhaul

Dear Web Authors / Content Owners / etc., Congratulations to each of you on surviving the first week of content migration!  The Web Team and I are delighted to see content flying into Chapman’s new website, and I can’t wait to see what progress this next week brings. Keep up the good work. More caffeine

Where is Quick Links!?!?

November 16, 2011 by | Website Overhaul

Chapman Family, If you are reading this, you have noticed that Quick Links is missing from the new homepage.  Not to worry: when the rest of the site is delivered, we will be replacing quick links with something superior called a ‘welcome back’ page.  In the meantime, quick links is still accessible from every other page on

Chapman University – New Look for our Homepage

September 29, 2011 by | Website Overhaul

Hello Readers, As you may know, Chapman is getting a new website in the Spring of 2012.  We are excited to announce Chapman’s new homepage which will launch this fall, and would like to post some images of the new design for feedback. Before you take a peek at the new site, there are just

Rumor 1: What is going to happen with the PIO’s?

August 29, 2011 by | Website Overhaul

Occasionally we will hear rumors regarding the  web overhaul that we want to ‘set straight.’  This blog will serve as a great way to do that, so please feel free to ask questions here. The first rumor that I’d like to dispel is: “after the new website is delivered, we will no longer have PIO’s.”  I’m happy to inform

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