The Musical Cosmos

December 2, 2021 by | Uncategorized

Wednesday, December 8th, 7 – 8:30 PM PST Location: Beckman 404 Abstract: In this talk we will explore the improvisational and musical nature of mathematics and physics.


IQS Seminar: Quantum Galaxies

December 2, 2021 by | Uncategorized

Monday, December 13th, 2021, 12 PM, Keck Center 149 https://chapman.zoom.us/j/96152234419?pwd=YXRvdVhPWnkrU0dWZlBkeG9kSk9EUT09 Abstract: All matter, visible and dark, had to originate from some mysterious event in the early universe-baryogenesis and dark-genesis. This necessary physics goes beyond our standard cosmology and the standard model of particle physics. In this talk, I provide a pedagogical introduction to cosmic inflation,


IQS Seminar: Quantum Computing at the Speed of Light

October 28, 2021 by | Uncategorized

Location:  Room 149 of the Keck Center Time and Date:  Wednesday, Nov. 3, at 4pm. https://chapman.zoom.us/j/99926295635?pwd=Vlgwd0wvM1VwV0xQcHNmMHM1UWdvZz09 Meeting ID: 999 2629 5635   Abstract:  Physical advantages to building a quantum computer out of optical frequency photons include: they suffer negligible environment decoherence even at room temperature, there is no cross talk, they network easily into arbitrary


IQS Seminar: Quantum Field Theories in Discrete Spacetimes

October 21, 2021 by | Uncategorized

Professor Todd Brun will be visiting from USC and giving a seminar next Monday, October 25th at 12PM in Room 149 of the Keck Center (the Dean’s Suite Conference Room).  The talk will also be live on Zoom: https://chapman.zoom.us/j/95649186660?pwd=QTVzZ1FlSm55NU9SaUFwTmpzUms2UT09 Title: Quantum field theories in discrete spacetimes Abstract: Quantum walks (QWs) are unitary analogues of classical


What's Eating the Universe? And Other Cosmic Questions

October 14, 2021 by | Uncategorized

Friday, 5 November @ 3PM in Memorial Hall Auditorium In the constellation of Eridanus there lurks a cosmic mystery, as if something has taken a huge bite out of the universe, leaving a supervoid. Could it be an enormous black hole, another universe, or an expanding vacuum bubble, destined to annihilate everything in existence? That


Fine Tuning and Superdeterminisnism in Quantum Mechanics

October 11, 2021 by | Uncategorized

Wednesday October 13, 8:30am PDT (California Time)   https://rebrand.ly/IQSHossenfelder   The Institute for Quantum Studies at Chapman University presents an online discussion between Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies) and Dr. Matthew Leifer (Institute for Quantum Studies, Chapman University).   Dr. Hossenfelder’s research focusses on the foundations of physics, including quantum gravity, physics beyond


Back from the Future: Retrocausality in the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

October 1, 2021 by | Uncategorized

Wednesday October 6, 6pm PDT (California Time) The Institute for Quantum Studies at Chapman University presents an online discussion between Dr. Roderick Sutherland (University of Sydney, Australia) and Dr. Matthew Leifer (Institute for Quantum Studies, Chapman University).   Dr. Sutherland is a leading advocate of theories involving retrocausation (backwards-in-time influences) as a resolution for the problems


From quantum miracles to many worlds

September 15, 2021 by | Uncategorized

Wednesday, 22 September, 2021 @ 530PM in 208 Argyros Forum Action at a distance is a miracle. Quantum phenomena such as interaction-free measurements, teleportation, Bell-type correlations apparently require such miracles. Accepting the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics avoids the necessity of action at a distance and thus removes paradoxes from quantum theory. Outside visitors to


The Disordered Cosmos

March 3, 2021 by | Uncategorized

Wednesday, 24 March, 2021 @ 5 PM The Institute for Quantum Studies at Chapman University presents an online discussion between Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (University of New Hampshire) and Dr. Matthew Leifer (co-Director of the Institute for Quantum Studies at Chapman).   Dr. Prescod-Weinstein is an assistant professor of physics and astronomy and core faculty in women’s

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