Ansley Wong

Ansley Wong, who graduated with a degree in Integrated Educational Studies, was inspired to apply for a Fulbright because of her passion for teaching and working with Emergent Bilinguals (English Language Learners). Wong’s coursework taught her a lot about supporting students’ needs and gave her confidence in her teaching abilities.

With support from her professors and the Center for Undergraduate Excellence, Wong was able to showcase her skills in education and earn her spot as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Taiwan.

Wong told us that she has learned so much professionally, personally, and culturally from teaching in Taiwan.

Wong guides five Taiwanese students reading in front of the class

Seventh grade students in Wong’s International Culture Class read the outline of their video to the class

“The most crucial thing I have learned so far,” Wong shared, “is how to use what I have learned about working with English Language Learners where English is the dominant language and adapting it to teaching English Language Learners where English is a foreign language.”

There have been many connections between Wong’s previous classes at Chapman and her lesson plans in Taiwan. For instance, from her undergraduate experience, she knows that “it is important to break things down and use visuals including using sentence frames, vocabulary and picture books” and also to utilize “project-based teaching, differentiating among students, and incorporating cross-disciplinary lessons.”

Taipei ETAs and Fulbright fellows at the school carnival

At the school carnival event, Taipei ETAs were invited for an English competition

Even though teaching can be challenging, Wong expressed that Fulbright Taiwan has so many resources to help fellows including coordinators to assist with living and advisers to help with classroom strategies.

Wong’s favorite moments from Fulbright so far have come when she sees that her students are actively trying to use English. “I try to tell my students that it is okay to make mistakes,” she said. “You learn when you try.”

Speaking to students who are considering applying to Fulbright, Wong urges that, “you may not feel qualified, but it doesn’t hurt to just try. The process seems tedious and long, but it is worth it!”

Are you looking to apply for a Fulbright? The Center for Undergraduate Excellence has your back! Come by our office to learn more about the application process, or contact Director of the Office of Fellowships and Scholar Programs Dr. Julye Bidmead at