Missed out on the virtual undergraduate research and creative activity student panel? Or have specific questions about getting started on your academic or creative journey? Our student scholar ambassadors are here to help you! 

Student scholar ambassadors are a group of students that serve as liaisons for the Center for Undergraduate Excellence (CUE) who have participated in academic research, creative activity, or fellowships/scholarships. Usually, you can find them working at various on-campus events, tabling during fairs, or talking in classes. 

Each student scholar ambassador has a different topic that they’ve focused their projects on, which you can learn more about here. In addition, they all have unique backgrounds, ranging from majors in sociology to biology to television writing and production, and more. Student scholar ambassador Natalie Standridge who majors in Psychology is researching how negative stereotypes can affect physical and psychological health throughout a person’s lifetime. Brian Katz, who majored in Strategic and Corporate Communication, presented research on machine human interface with a robot bartender. Victoria Erickson, majoring in biology, focuses her research on developing a vaccine that can both prevent and treat cancers caused by the carcinogenic Herpes Virus known as Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). As exemplified through these student scholar ambassadors, academic and creative projects include a scope of subjects. 

Interested in starting your own journey now? Student scholar ambassador Ryly Lee advises their peers to “find the topic that you find most interesting and engaging because loving the research you do makes all the difference. If you have more questions for any one of our student scholar ambassadors, be sure to schedule a peer advising appointment with them!


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or email us at cue@chapman.edu with any questions.