Adobe for Education Summit July 27-29, 2021 | Register for all or part of this multi-day event
July 20, 2021
Scroll through the graphic above to view the entire invitation, agendas, workshops, and register for the event!
**This summit is free and open to all Chapman instructors, staff, and students.**
Pre-conference: July 27 | Develop digital media teaching skills and effective leadership practices
You’ll learn: How to design learning experiences that foster creativity. You’ll learn how to use and teach Creative Cloud tools with confidence to enrich your students’ creative communication skills.
You’ll create: Visually compelling graphics, illustrations, animations, videos and websites that you can integrate into your curriculum. You’ll curate resources specific to the age group and area you teach in digital media (K12 – HED).
Participate in live workshops: Share your visual creations with the global educator community and industry experts for feedback and insider tips and tricks. You will access robust resources designed by master digital media education leaders to plan for deeper learning experiences.
July 28 | Fostering creativity in and beyond the classroom
Educators: Hear from expert educators on how to reimagine your students’ learning experience to cultivate their creative communication and critical thinking skills. You’ll discover inspiring ways to develop your students’ innovative and digital literacy skills while igniting joyful learning.
Educators will learn:
- How to teach and evaluate creativity across all subject areas.
- How to design learning experiences that foster creativity.
- Creative tools to use with your students across the curriculum.
July 29 | Building curiosity to spark learning and enrich student engagement
You’ll explore global practices for inspiring students’ innate curiosity and love for learning. You’ll hear from expert educators on limitless ways to integrate creativity into all subjects.
- You’ll create: Graphics, videos and websites that you can integrate into your curriculum.
- Through guided workshops: You’ll have opportunity to roll up your sleeves, build on your learning, and create an artifact of your own.
- You’ll design your action plan: To effectively foster creativity, curiosity, and digital literacy in your classroom now, and into the future.