15 posts categorized in



Inclusive Design

January 25, 2019 by | Learner Experience

Although this article from Automattic about inclusive design is not specifically about designing course materials, it is incredibly relevant to those of us who are trying to create a more inclusive classroom environment.  I highly recommend that you take the time to read it. Some important points from this article include: Use accessibility practices to

Improving Accessibility Learn it, do it

April 14, 2018 by | Technology

Several months ago, a hot news item was the Department of Justice’s finding that UC-Berkeley housed several public educational videos that weren’t accessible to people with sight and hearing issues. As a result, UC-Berkeley took down the access to these videos. This put higher education institutions into a panic, and the conversation continues in many

Accessible PDFs

April 14, 2018 by | Technology

Creating accessibility in PDFs can feel like a daunting task. We are fortunate, however, at Chapman University to have Acrobat Pro at our disposal for ensuring that PDFs are accessible. If you are a Chapman faculty member and you haven’t already taken advantage of this resource, you can contact the service desk, at servicedesk@chapman.edu, to

Accessible Videos Tools to Improve Access

December 12, 2017 by | Technology

At our institution, we are fortunate to have several video-making spaces and programs at our fingertips. For example, we have Panopto, a streaming service that captures, stores, and shares in-class and desktop lectures, and we have the One-Button Studio at both our Orange and Irvine campuses. Add to this all of the individual devices with

Accessible Word Documents Tools to Improve Access

November 17, 2017 by | Technology

Word documents are often used to deliver content and agendas to students in courses. Whether faculty know it or not, a portion of their students may be at a disadvantage when trying to extract the information from Word pages due to documented or undocumented disabilities. Some of the various issues that may prevent students from

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