17 posts categorized in

Adobe Creative Cloud


2021 Adobe Creative Campus Faculty Development Institute June 21-25, 2021 via ZOOM

June 2, 2021 by | Adobe Creative Cloud

We are looking for a few faculty members to participate in the upcoming Adobe Creative Campus Faculty Development Institute. The practical purpose of the Adobe Creative Campus program is to foster engaged student experiences that develop digital literacies and connect the curriculum with career and community. The 2021 Faculty Development Institute will walk you through lesson plans and

Adobe Creative Campus Virtual Event June 16-17, 2021

June 2, 2021 by | Adobe Creative Cloud

Do you want to know more about becoming a creative educator and developing creative assessments for students? Attend the upcoming Adobe Creative Campus Virtual Event! Day 1 offers Peer to Peer Conversations on Creativity in Education Day 2 offers the following workshops: [Novice Workshop] “Multimodal Assignment Prompts that Enable Creativity and Digital Literacy for All

Stand Out from the Crowd Adobe Creative Cloud for students

April 8, 2021 by | Adobe Creative Cloud

Want to make that next presentation or assignment stand out from the rest? Turn research into compelling infographics using Photoshop or Illustrator. Record a podcast using Audition. Create videos that make an impact using Spark, Rush, or Premiere Pro. Create a stunning webpage or portfolio with Spark or Portfolio.   All Chapman University students have

The Impact of Creativity in STEM Adobe Digital Literacy Cafe: March 24, 2021 at 8 AM

March 15, 2021 by | Adobe Creative Cloud

  The Adobe Digital Literacy Café webinar series is designed to provide academic leaders with various perspectives on preparing students for success in the modern economy. Join us for a panel discussion with academic thought leaders from East Carolina University, MIT, and more. During this hour, the group will share their perspectives, student examples, and

Interested in Adobe Creative Cloud products for your class but not sure where to start? Start here!

January 13, 2021 by | Adobe Creative Cloud

The “Adobe Getting Started Series” for instructors These self-paced courses cover a variety of creative tasks and related Adobe products. The series is focused on how instructors can use the tools to engage with students; some courses include teaching material. Get Started with Adobe. Explore the value of digital literacy and learn to use Adobe Creative

Bring Digital Learning to your Students Join the Adobe Rollout Group

September 27, 2019 by | Technology

As you have probably heard, students now have FREE access to Adobe Creative Cloud. Our new site license this fiscal year provides Adobe Creative Cloud access for free to all active Chapman staff, faculty, and students. To access your free account, visit: www.chapman.edu/software What can this look like in the classroom? Digital learning improves student

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