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Hypothes.is App in Canvas Available Now for Fall 2021

August 18, 2021 by | Canvas

Spring 2021-Summer 2021 we had a successful pilot for Hypothes.is and Gradescope in Canvas. There was fantastic feedback from faculty and students. As a result, we will be having a University site license for Hypothes.is starting this Fall 2021 term. Hypothesis is an easy to use pedagogical tool that enables students and teachers to have

Canvas Updates May 2021

May 26, 2021 by | Canvas

Assignments Student Annotation Submissions New Quizzes Save and Build Button Workflow Summary The New Quiz creation page includes both a Save button and a Build button. Change Benefit This change aligns the Save button behavior with other areas of Canvas, and the Build button distinctively separates the workflow for building a quiz. Affected User Roles

Canvas Updates April 2021

April 6, 2021 by | Canvas

Assignments Webcam Submissions Summary In File Upload assignments, students can use their webcam to submit to an assignment. Change Benefit This change allows students to use their webcam to submit a file upload assignment from the browser and aligns behavior with the Canvas Student app. Affected User Roles & Behaviors Students For File Upload assignments,

Zoom default recording changes Effective March 26th 2021

March 15, 2021 by | Canvas

Effective March 26th, 2021, Chapman will be changing the default cloud recording to: Record active speaker with shared screen. This change will provide a better viewing experience in Canvas for Students. Students will see only two options, audio and video. The prior default settings made five different files (speaker view, shared screen, gallery view, shared

Canvas Updates March 2021

March 5, 2021 by | Canvas

Courses MathJax Equation Enhancements & Text Field LaTeX Characters Summary LaTeX equations can be entered in any Canvas text field, and MathJax is loaded if Canvas detects an equation image added by delimited LaTeX characters. Change Benefit This change allows users to use equations in more areas of Canvas and manage equations more efficiently. Affected

Canvas Updates January 2021

January 26, 2021 by | Canvas

PAGES Bulk Page Delete Multiple pages can be deleted at one time in the Pages Index page. This change allows outdated content to be removed more quickly. Previously pages could only be deleted one at a time. Pages can be multi-selected by selecting a checkbox next to the pages. More details Individual Page Student View

Canvas Updates July 2020

July 29, 2020 by | Canvas

ASSIGNMENTS: Direct Share Enforcement In Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions, and Pages, you can copy content to another course and share individual content items with another user. This change allows you to copy and share content directly in Canvas without having to use a secondary repository like Commons. Due and Availability Date Bulk Edit Enforcement The Assignments

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