57 posts categorized in



What Culturally Responsive Teaching Techniques Can I Use to Improve Learning? Monday Morning Mentor Series

October 14, 2019 by | Pedagogy

Did you know that the Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (IETL) has a subscription for faculty members to access the Magna Campus Online Professional Development Video & Resource Library? One of these resources is the Monday Morning 20-Minute Mentor Series! The Monday Morning Mentor series packs an impressive amount of practical information into

Four key actions to improve student learning What learning science texts say about learning and how technology can support it

September 13, 2018 by | Technology

I recently did an informal review of three popular learning science texts (see references below). From these three books, I compared information to see what types of topics surfaced regarding important points for instructors to follow in order to support their students’ learning. I found that the four following points received extensive treatment by all

Poll Everywhere Real-time virtual response system

February 5, 2018 by | Technology

What is Poll Everywhere? Poll Everywhere is a real-time polling assessment, clicker-free student response system. Polls can presented through Poll Everywhere’s website, Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Keynote. The audience can respond by visiting a webpage, texting or through the app. Can present through: website, Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Keynote. Audience response by: website, apps, or

Spark-ing Creativity in the Classroom

August 18, 2017 by | Pedagogy

I’ve mentioned Spark before, but it definitely bears mentioning again, due to its usefulness for the classroom. For example, here is a Spark Page put together by Professor Matthew Gartner, to explain how to use the One Button Studio for capturing lecture based content: https://spark.adobe.com/page/QSnuBD251p4jK/

Creating space for all students to participate for more equity

August 11, 2017 by | Pedagogy

This article about timekeeping as a feminist practice is perhaps one of the most influential pieces that I’ve read about pedagogy this year. Prior to reading this piece I hadn’t considered how I could user a timer to ensure that all students in my class have space for contribution. Although I have used a timer

Signing up for EduBlogs just got easier!

June 23, 2017 by | Technology

I’ve written before about the benefits of using blogs in the classroom.  We provide a free-for-Chapman-users platform for course blogging and for faculty websites on EduBlogs.  In the past, users had to submit a form to request an EduBlogs site.  However now users can simply go to sites.chapman.edu and Sign In (in the upper left

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