2 posts tagged



Auditing your videos in YuJa

October 15, 2022 by | YuJa

According to the posted timeline, you will lose access to Panopto in November 2022. Please take the time to audit your videos and ensure that the videos you expect to see in YuJa are there. Note:  Videos in Panopto from July, 2022 to present will NOT be migrated. You will need to do these manually.

Audio and Video Sync Issue for Video Files Saved From PowerPoint

October 29, 2021 by | Faculty

Some instructors prefer to add audio narration to their PowerPoint presentations, then record and save them before uploading to an online video-sharing platform (Panopto, YouTube, MS Stream, etc.) If you record your PowerPoint presentation with audio (narration) and save it, the file will play fine on your computer. However, the audio and video will go

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