Fellow Panthers,

We are fast on our way to graduation!  Every May, it amazes me just how quickly another year has gone by and how much further away from my Chapman experience I am.  As the years pass, I read the stories of the newest alumni who graduate and go on to do amazing things. From heartfelt philanthropy projects to creative film productions to breakthrough research, Chapman alumni have become true leaders in nearly every field. And as our university grows and expands its areas of study, so does our diversity, drive, and leadership.

adam-coughran-3As I think back to my Chapman experience, I realize just how important alumni donors were to my education. I, like many others, attended Chapman on an academic scholarship. Not only did this ease the burden of tuition to my family and I, but in all reality it was the only way I was able to attend Chapman. As I meet other alumni, I hear similar stories. And even now, as we get ready to add the next round of amazing students to our Chapman alumni network, I hear current students talk about how their scholarships have allowed them to attend Chapman and how this support is truly changing their lives.

All of this got me thinking… With my experience, along with so many others, what could I do to show my support toward this graduating class? It then occurred to me that making a small gift to the Chapman Fund to support student scholarships and faculty would help in more ways than one. A gift to the Chapman Fund is not only a way to celebrate the Class of 2015 and welcome them to our alumni community, it’s also a way to ensure that future generations have the same incredible Chapman experience we had. It is my hope that my story and my gift to the Chapman Fund will inspire fellow alumni to give back and join me in honoring the many ways Chapman has transformed our lives. All alumni gifts, no matter the amount, make a strong statement about our belief in our alma mater and our commitment to its future.

Continuing to support Chapman University, even after graduation, has become a priority in my life. I now challenge you to make Chapman, its students and its faculty a priority in your life and match me in giving a gift of $18.61, Chapman University’s founding year, to the Chapman Fund. Let’s make this final push to graduation a meaningful one in showing our support and belief in the success of our graduating seniors of 2015! Make your gift today »


With Panther pride,

Adam Coughran ’04 (M.A. ’10)
Chair, Development Committee
Alumni Association Board of Directors


How has Chapman changed your life? Share your story in the comments.

Match me by making your gift to the Chapman Fund »

Learn more about the Chapman Fund »