Famous for Hustle Ladan Davia '14 launches into the tech world with Beeya
January 24, 2018
Meet Ladan Davia ’14 – She’s a broadcast journalist by training, fierce tech entrepreneur by trade, and becoming famous for her hustle.
Shortly after graduating from Chapman University in 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in television broadcast journalism, the entrepreneurial-minded Panther Ladan Davia ’14 started her journey to create a unique platform benefiting students, professionals, and employers alike: Beeya. It’s her solution to the tricky and impersonal job search she personally encountered online; and with a passion for customer service, pledge to network tirelessly and a Think Chapman First mindset, the early-career entrepreneur has transformed into a tech industry executive growing in recognition.
Learn more about Beeya after checking out our interview with Ladan below.

“I love to hustle. I wake up every day excited” Ladan Davia ’14, CEO and Founder of Beeya and Board Member at Working Wardrobes
1. How have you reinvented yourself in the course of your career? Tell us about it.
Reinventing yourself in your career is necessary. Every day the world changes and advances and you either keep up with it, or you fall behind. I started out my career as a broadcast journalist working in the entertainment industry and ended up working in technology. The two industries are completely different, but I was able to teach myself everything I needed to know about tech and entrepreneurship to become an expert in my field.
2. Tell us about your career—what do you do on a day to day basis?
Running an Internet company requires completely different tasks every day. The obvious day to day is meeting with prospective clients while also managing the clients we already have to make sure they’re happy. We really pride ourselves on customer service and if the client is unhappy, I make it my mission to find out why and fix the problem. As the owner of a company, I am in charge of not only day-to-day operations, but the future of the business as well. Going over marketing, finance, sales are all something I make sure to focus on daily.
3. What insight do you have to offer current students and alumni who are searching for employment?
I would tell current students and alumni who are looking for employment to be aggressive on finding it. Getting your resume and word out there is so important because employers are overwhelmed with applicants. I also would tell them to make a free account on Beeya, because it filters down the system for you and really matches you with positions you WANT to interview for, not just whatever junk they can toss your way.
4. What advice do you have for current students who want to make the most out of their time at Chapman?
I think to get out an amazing experience at Chapman, you have to put in the work. It’s imperative to get involved and put in effort in order to reap the benefits Chapman has to offer. It’s like any relationship, you get out what you put in! I was involved in Greek life, the film school, clubs on campus, and so many other things because until you try it you won’t know if you like something.
5. Which Chapman faculty members made the greatest impact on you?
Pete Weitzner had a huge impact on me because he really took interest in my career and dreams and helped me achieve them, even when at times I didn’t believe in myself.
Dawn Hunter was one of the few teachers where I formed a friendship with and it was because of her sweet and kind personality that made me open up to her.
Steven Bach might not even remember who I am, but he was by far academically the best professor I had at Chapman. He made his students think outside the box and never let anyone settle. While it made his class difficult, I learned so much and it forced me to think with an open mind and approach problem solving differently.
Last but not least, Jerry Price. Although he’s the dean of students and I never took a class with him, he really is the rock of the student body. He’s a person of extreme integrity and kindness and no matter what time of the day it was; his office was always open to me. He genuinely cares about the students and wants to make their time at Chapman as wonderful as possible.
6. How has your Chapman degree helped you?
My Chapman degree helped me think creatively. I graduated with a degree from the film school and although I’m not working in film now, it gave me skills I needed to be successful. It taught me to how to talk with people, present myself in front of large groups, problem solve, work with teams, and think outside the box. All of those skills are necessary when it comes to running a business and I am beyond thankful that I was able to hone them at Dodge.
7. How were you involved on campus during your time as a Chapman student?
I was involved in Greek life (Alpha Phi), the law fraternity on campus (Kappa Alpha Pi), President Struppa’s student advisory group, Launch Labs, clubs, and taking apart of any event that happened on campus. My only regret is not applying to be an RA, I think that would have been really fun.
8. What is your favorite Chapman memory?
My favorite Chapman memory was winning the business competition through the entrepreneurship program. It really gave me my first steps to not only becoming a business owner, but being in the tech space.
9. Have you been involved with Chapman since graduating?
I have been extremely involved in Chapman since graduating. I try to attend alumni events, recruit Chapman interns, and give back in any way I can.
10. Is there anything else you’d like to share with the Chapman Family?
Attending Chapman was one of the best decisions I ever made. It really is what you put into it and I made life long friendships that I wouldn’t trade for anything. My time there taught me how to fight for what I wanted and that when you work hard enough, you can accomplish anything.
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About Beeya
Beeya uses a unique algorithm to save employers and prospective employees time and money by providing them with exact matches – the first time, in real time – to meet their needs.
Beeya’s algorithm uses detailed questionnaires, versus keywords, to match job postings to job seekers, resulting in matches that fall directly in line with what employers and potential employees are looking for. It sends exact matches directly, automatically, and in real time to employers and job seekers, instead of days later. Beeya also offers a video vetting service, enabling job seekers to create videos describing their qualifications and the jobs they seek, for a more personalized interface.
Today, Ladan’s growing Beeya team continues to thrive with a community of fellow Chapman alumni and students, including COO Kelsey Mackin ’16 (M.A. ’18) and interns Sumair Shah and Amelia Easterbrook.
- Ladan Davia ’14, CEO
- Kelsey Mackin ’16 (M.A. ’18), COO
- Current student Sumair Shah, intern
- Current student Amelia Easterbrook, intern
Want to connect? You can contact Ladan at ldavia@beeya.com
Follow her company on Instagram @beeyaofficial or visit the Beeya website www.beeya.com