Scott Pastel
, B.S. business administration ’06, lost touch with Chapman University after graduating, but over the past few years he found a renewed connection with his alma mater. As a volunteer at numerous campus events and member of
President’s Circle
, Scott has become an active part of the campus community. “I feel a moral obligation and a strong willingness to give back to Chapman because it’s a part of who I am, and going to Chapman was one of the best decisions I ever made,” Scott said.

Read on to learn more about Scott in this Chapman50 Alumni Spotlight.

What inspired you to become a member of Chapman50?

After graduating from Chapman, like so many others at the time, I lost touch with the university while focusing solely on my career and building my life. Seven years after graduating, I was invited to come back and take a tour of the campus and was shocked by all the growth and positive change I had seen! From that moment on, I decided to realign myself with Chapman and began taking part in various alumni events that allowed me to share my experiences from intern to part-owner with current students. I realized the impact that alumni like myself could have on current and future students and how valuable that was to me as a former student, and the rest is history.

What impact do you hope to make as a member of Chapman50?

My main goal is to have a personal and lasting impact on as many Chapman students as possible through mentoring and leadership activities. I’ve realized that often times, students feel uncomfortable or take information differently when it’s coming from professors or staff. Albeit those are great resources for students, sometimes they value information from volunteers as completely unbiased. I want to ensure that Chapman students have enough support from successful alumni and a clear roadmap after graduating. If they are proud to call themselves a Chapman alumnus/alumna, then we did our job.

Tell me about your career- what do you do on a day-to-day basis?

I’m the director of marketing and managing partner of the Marshall Reddick Real Estate Network (MRREN).  We help our clients create financial independence by providing a network of exceptional real estate education, mentorship, and a trusted purchasing system providing quality real estate investments. I like to think of it as the Merrill Lynch of real estate investing. I started as an intern in 2005 and worked my way up to where I am today. On a day-to day-basis I analyze a ton of investment opportunities, manage our reps all over the country, and help build our marketing systems to ensure the most personalized and delightful experience possible for our clients.

What insight would you give to current students and alumni who are searching for employment?

Network, network, network. But don’t just pass out business cards; try to build meaningful and lasting relationships. Always dress to impress, you never know who you are going to run into. Follow-up is everything. If I interview someone and they don’t email me back thanking me after the interview, or respond to my emails quickly, I toss them out. Employers look for character and personality over technical skills in most job roles these days. Make your resume pop and don’t be afraid to start at the bottom and take less pay if it means the chance to surround yourself with the right people and learn what you need to know to grow in that field. I’ve always felt that pay is only a piece of the overall value you get out of a job.

What advice do you have for current students who want to make the most out of their time at Chapman?

Get to know your professors as much as you can. One of the main benefits that Chapman offers is smaller classrooms and a much more personalized experience. If you don’t understand something, stay after class and ask your teacher. They will respect and admire your determination to improve. Talk to people in your class and get to know them as well. Get out of your comfort zone and doors will open all around you. If there’s a girl you are interested in and you’re afraid to talk to her, just do it. If there’s a smart student you sit next to and you’re afraid to ask them a question, just do it. Don’t hold back no matter what. Step outside of your comfort zone as much and as often as you can.

From your time at Chapman, which faculty member(s) made the greatest impact on you and why?

Professor Stephanie Dellande
was the reason why I decided to focus my career on marketing. Her class was fun, interesting, challenging and something I really looked forward to. It was after taking her class that I realized how much professors had an impact on my interest in that topic. When I was a junior, I took Marketing Strategy from
Professor Can Uslay
and absolutely loved it. Can brought the real world into the classroom. He took a strong interest in his students and helped me realize how certain companies grew and others failed.

What is your favorite Chapman memory?

The undie runs, wait just kidding! No, in all seriousness, my favorite Chapman memory was the field trip to downtown Los Angeles I went on in my Cities and Civilizations class. I doubt they do those anymore, the area was really rough and we certainly did not fit in. I remember witnessing actual drug and gang activity, but the experience was well worth it and seeing old architecture from the early 20
century while bonding with my fellow peers was awesome.

What was your favorite spot on campus as a student?

If I didn’t say the cafeteria in Argyros Forum I’d be lying. Hanging out with friends on campus and in the dorms was a whole new experience for me and I highly recommend living on campus for at least a year to incoming students. Those are the memories you will never forget.

How has your Chapman degree helped you in your professional and personal life?

Chapman has continued to build tremendous credibility and brand recognition within the community, as well as nationwide. I love meeting fellow alumni from Chapman in unexpected places; we seem to immediately share a connection. I didn’t know much about Chapman as an incoming student, but as time goes on I’ve been happier and happier about my decision and seven years after graduating I’m happier now than ever before! Being a part of Chapman50 has allowed me to meet industry professionals and leaders that help elevate my life personally and professionally in more ways than I could have imagined.

How were you involved on campus during your time as a Chapman student?

This is one area that I did not take nearly enough advantage of as a student. Although I made a point to make lots of friends, I did not join any groups. I did however take a job through the Work Study program which basically paid for my schoolbooks and Ramen noodles. If I could do it all over again, I’d join as many groups as I could in business, leadership and social activities. Chapman offers something for everyone.

Aside from Chapman50, how else have you been involved with Chapman since graduating?

I joined the President’s Circle in late 2012 after meeting Jessica Price ‘11, who opened up my eyes to the immeasurable value the group and Chapman50 provided alumni like myself. I’ve since participated in various alumni volunteer exercises including Chapman Chats, the Parents Spring Summit, Summer Welcome Receptions, and was featured in the
Gary Maxwell Young Alumni Challenge video

Is there anything else you’d like to share with the Chapman Family?

Chapman has grown at a staggering pace in the years since my graduation. There’s no telling how bright the future is for Chapman, but only because of the people who represent it including the students, faculty, alumni, volunteers, donors, and so on. I feel a moral obligation and a strong willingness to give back to Chapman because it’s a part of who I am, and going to Chapman was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Explore and Connect Further:

Scott Pastel ’06: Then and Now


Scott Then, at his 2006 graduation with President Jim Doti



Scott Now


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Founded in late 2012, Chapman50 is an exclusive group designed to connect influential alumni leaders in a university-wide network unlike any other. Comprising fifty founding members under the age of 50, Chapman50 enacts the mission of Chapman University by encouraging alumni leadership and professional development in all fifty states and across the globe.
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