Commencement is an exciting time, but can also be nerve-wracking as graduates are thrust into the “real world.” We solicited the advice of Argyros Alumni who have been in the same shoes as the Class of 2023 in hopes that these words of wisdom inspire our Argyros School graduates to be confident and go out into the world ready to make their mark!

Congratulations, Class of 2023!

Jessica Afra ’19

Degree(s): B.S. in Business Administration (Double emphasis in Finance & Marketing), Minor in Sociology

Current Role/Company: Senior Financial Analyst – Sony Pictures Entertainment

Advice for the Class of 2023: It’s important to keep your long-term goal in mind as a guiding light. It serves as a constant reminder of what you’re working towards and can help you stay on track, especially during challenging times. However, it’s equally important to remain flexible and open to adjusting your approach if necessary. Sometimes, unexpected opportunities or alternative paths may arise that can lead you to even greater success than you initially imagined. Embracing an open mind, maintaining perseverance, and keeping your long-term goal in sight are powerful strategies for success. They allow you to adapt, learn, and grow, ultimately increasing your chances of reaching your desired outcome. Stay committed to your vision, stay resilient, and be open to the possibilities that unfold along the way.

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Laith Masarweh ’18

Degree(s): B.S. in Business Administration (Emphasis in Management)

Current Role/Company: Founder & CEO at Assistantly

Advice for the Class of 2023: Don’t worry if you don’t have all the answers, just start and you’ll figure it out along the way. The real world is only scary if you make it scary. Embrace it! There are some amazing people that will guide and mentor you throughout your personal and professional life.

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Victoria Viamin ’19

Degree(s): B.S. in Business Administration

Current Role/Company: Strategic Partner Manager – DoorDash

Advice for the Class of 2023: Life post-college is not a straight line. You could be graduating with an amazing upcoming position or have nothing lined up but your whole life could change in just a year! You learn more about yourself post-college than you ever could have imagined. It’s not easy, but trust me, it will all work out! Believe in yourself!

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Austin Price ’18, MBA ’21

Degree(s): B.S. in Business Administration & Master of Business Administration

Current Role/Company: Assistant Director, Graduate Business Programs – Chapman University, The George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics

Advice for the Class of 2023: Don’t underestimate the network you have and the relationships you have built. You never know who you could help or who could help you. As you begin your professional career, it is easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others. Instead, focus on what you can control and do your best to positively impact your organization and the people you serve. Lastly, networking does not stop when you begin your first job. Find ways to continue to build relationships both inside and outside your organization. Congrats to the class of 2023 and I wish you all the best!

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Lauren Belzer ’19

Degree(s): B.S. in Business Administration (Emphasis in Marketing), Minor in Graphic Design

Current Role/Company: Manager, Social Media & Communications – Chapman University, The George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics

Advice for the Class of 2023: Don’t forget to live. It’s easy to get caught up in the “real world,” making money, grinding away at work, etc. Make sure that you’re taking the time to enjoy all the special things that life has to offer outside of a professional environment. Take the trip, have the steak, go to that wedding, do it ALL. Money will come and go, but you’re not guaranteed tomorrow so you might as well enjoy today!

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Chase Johnsen ’20

Degree(s): B.S. in Business Administration (Emphasis in Marketing)

Current Role/Company: Creative Specialist – Seattle Kraken

Advice for the Class of 2023: Seize opportunities from the get-go, commit to being a lifelong learner, and ALWAYS finish strong. View connections as long-term investments. The world is small, word of mouth is loud, and kindness is free. Adopt a ‘Make it Happen’ mentality. Create and don’t stand in your own way. The 10,000 hours it takes to become a master of a craft doesn’t start when you’re doubting yourself. Believe and remember…you’ve got this!

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