Meet Samantha Hartman ’22, MBA ’24! Samantha started her journey with Chapman by pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), graduating from the program in 2022. She is now pursuing her MBA at the Argyros School and has plenty to share about her experiences thus far!

Samantha’s Chapman Experience

“When I first visited Chapman University, I was immediately struck by the genuine kindness the student body and the administration exhibited,” she says. She lists the apparent culture of kindness, the university’s exceptional educational offerings, dedicated staff, and outstanding career office as the factors that convinced her that Chapman was the ideal choice for her undergraduate studies. Whether providing directions to the correct building or assisting her in creating a class schedule, she recalls every person she encountered being ready to lend a helping hand.

Throughout her undergraduate career, this belief was continuously reinforced. Samantha says, “The unwavering support I have received from Chapman is unparalleled by any other educational institution I have encountered.” Subsequently, when the time came to pursue her graduate studies, she knew that Chapman’s nurturing environment would enable her to flourish academically and personally.

The Agryros Advantage

Samantha was particularly drawn to the Argyros School of Business and Economics as it is renowned for its strong reputation in the field she is interested in. Upon entering the MBA program, one of her primary objectives was to enhance her finance skills. The Argyros School proved invaluable by equipping her with a wealth of practical knowledge in this subject area. “I acquired a deep understanding of company valuation, an essential skill when evaluating potential investment opportunities,” says Hartman.

A unique learning experience that Samantha fondly remembers is the Business in Scandinavia travel course to Sweden and Denmark, led by Dr. Niklas Myhr. The students had the privilege of exploring various local businesses, allowing them to effectively compare the differences in business practices and leadership styles between American and Scandinavian companies. She recalls one particularly memorable visit to Einride, an autonomous electric trucking company. She says “Seeing their unwavering commitment to sustainability and dedication to making the trucking industry more environmentally friendly was genuinely inspiring.” This visit has motivated Samantha to integrate elements of their philosophy into her own business outlook.

Samantha’s Career Experience

The career office played an instrumental role in helping Samantha secure an internship at a startup company – Katch. This opportunity has allowed her to explore various fields within the context of a predictive data company. This internship has given her hands-on experience in accounting, finance, and statistics. “I am sincerely grateful for the support I received, which ultimately facilitated my acquisition of this enriching internship.”

Samantha is passionate about becoming an entrepreneur and envisions herself starting a business. “I aim to position myself for a prosperous entrepreneurial journey,” she says. As she completes her MBA, Samantha focuses on understanding running and operating companies comprehensively. “I believe strengthening hard and soft skills will be pivotal to my long-term success.”

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