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Chapman Students Mingle with the Best in Social Media Marketing

May 19, 2015 by | Students

10,000 Instagram followers, 280,000 likes on Facebook, and 1.4 million Twitter followers.  These credentials belong to some of the speakers from Social Media Marketing World , a social media marketing conference hosted annually by online magazine Social Media Examiner. On March 25th, 2,500 marketers, small business owners, educators, analysts, consultants, and graphic designers from all over the

Chapman Students Think Globally with Health 2 Humanity

May 5, 2015 by | Students

  Last summer, Argyros School sophomore John Cefalu set out on a mission to solve one of the most pressing problems in the developing world – a lack of soap. With the help of other Chapman students, John started a company called Health 2 Humanity, a social enterprise that provide orphans and their communities with soap to

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