232 posts categorized in

Escalette Permanent Collection of Art


A Great Night of Beautiful Poetry

April 30, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

On Monday night we had the privilege of attending the community reading of original poetry written by an amazing group of Orange High School students as part of The Chapman University/Orange High School Literacies Partnership. We have been teaming up with this group throughout the year, participating in creative projects and tours of our collections,

Orange High School Gets Creative

April 16, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

On Monday, Chapman’s Escalette Permanent Collection of Art was very proud to participate in the Chapman University-Orange High School Literacies Partnership! Students from OHS have gathered every week after school at Chapman to participate in the 2015 Young Writers’ Workshop, in collaboration with the John Fowles Center for Creative Writing.  For this week’s session, the students were given

Slow Art Day, 2015

April 9, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

This Saturday, April 11, 2015, is Slow Art Day! It is one day every year in which people visit local museums and galleries all over the world to really take their time to look at art slowly. The idea is that each person should look at five works of art for 10 minutes each, and

Compare and Contreras

March 25, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Contemporary artists Albert Contreras and Patrick Wilson seem to create distinctly different works of art, yet share surprising common ground in at least one aspect of their creative processes. When creating his iconic “X” paintings, Contreras begins with custom wood panels. He paints on a layer of gesso, then one of glittery

Michael Hafftka

March 12, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Michael Hafftka is an internationally acclaimed American painter from New York City. He has exhibited in some of the most famous and important museums in the United States, and we at Chapman have a beautiful group of his paintings in our Escalette Collection. In 2011 we received an incredibly generous donation from Mr. Hafftka, which

Disneyland is Burning

March 5, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

The night of Saturday, February 28th, Disneyland made headlines due to an unexpected fire that set  trees ablaze near the attraction “It’s a Small World.” Thankfully, no one was injured during the mishap, and the fire was quickly extinguished. Officials are still investigating the cause of the fire, although they suspect it was related to the

Happy Museum Advocacy Day!

February 24, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

As many of you may already know, today is the 7th annual Museums Advocacy Day, so we here at Chapman Collections are spreading the word about the importance of museums, galleries, and collections on view to the public. Not only are museums and galleries totally awesome, super fun places to visit, but they are crucial

Sugar, Spit, and Bay Area Grit

February 19, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Nathan Oliveira was a native California artist (born in Oakland) and since the 1950s has been the subject of thousands of solo and group exhibitions worldwide. He is most commonly associated with the Bay Area Figurative movement, which emerged as a reaction to the Abstract Expressionism of the 1950s and 60s. To this day the

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