51 posts tagged

Chapman university


Contemporary Art vs. Modern Art Defining "Now" from "Then"

November 30, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word “modern” is defined as, “of or relating to the present time.”  The word “contemporary” is defined as “happening or beginning now or in recent times.” While these definitions may appear to be similar or even nearly identical, in terms of art genres, they are very incongruent. The modern art movement began in the 1860’s

From Sanskrit to Art Investigating Victor Hugo Zayas

November 16, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Victor Hugo Zayas’ paintings are, what I like to call, ‘samatva’. ‘Samatva’ in Sanskrit means in balance. This concept is ever more prominent in Zayas’ painting Illuvia. With dark tones and thick brushstrokes, Illuvia is a balance of observation and abstraction. Zayas paints the cityscape as it is, but also distorts the fixtures by changing the tone, color,

The Art of Writing about Art Part 4: Ann Hamilton in Metaphor

November 12, 2015 by Philip Pederson; Jacob Walker | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

With Ann Hamilton’s Warp & Weft II, mundane materials (paper, ink) and mundane subject matter (a textile, drawn thin) expand in the imagination to the level of the sublime. Philip Pedersen (Senior, Screen Acting/English) and Jacob Walker (Senior, Screenwriting/Television) were drawn in by the painterly lithograph’s subtle pull, and attempted to find adequate metaphors to

The Art of Writing about Art Part 3: Baldessari's Discontent? II

November 11, 2015 by Raphaelle Canaan | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Baldessari’s Discontent? II Like Rebecca Malkin, Junior Communication Studies major Raphaelle Canaan also sees discontent in Baldessari’s Accordionist (With Crowd) of 1994. However, in her reading that discontent is counteracted by the accordionist’s autonomy, leading her to argue that the work ultimately has a positive message. Faces in a Crowd Baldessari’s Accordionist (With Crowd) shows

Bauhaus In the Middle of the Street

October 19, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

German architect Walter Gropius opened the Bauhaus school in 1919 in Weimer, Germany. The Bauhaus served not only as a school for architects, but a site for re-imagining the material world through the unification of all the arts. The school combined crafts school, academy of the arts, and architecture school, providing workshops in cabinetmaking, textile making, metalworking,

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