As a senior Communication Studies major, I had the wonderful opportunity to work for Script Haven as a marketing and communication intern, a position I found through networking. With my cluster being business and economics, this was the perfect internship for me. Script Haven is an e-commerce platform for scriptwriters and producers to buy and sell their scripts on their website with no barrier to entry. The site has a messaging platform to make offers and negotiate script prices. Once a price has been agreed upon, it takes less than a minute to transfer ownership of the script including having contracts signed.

Due to the fact that Script Haven launched less than a year ago, client outreach was an important focus. Revenue cannot be made if there aren’t scripts on the site for sale. Therefore, when I was first brought on board, our goal was to get scriptwriters on the site and have them upload as many scripts as possible. We accomplished this by posting on various screenwriting Facebook groups and informing them about our services. Once we had around 80 scripts uploaded to our site, we then started getting producers on board. We did this by emailing hundreds and thousands of production companies. At one point we even reached out to the 3rd largest screenwriting podcast to put an ad for Script Haven on two of their shows.

One of the main parts of my job was to keep our Instagram content up to date and make sure that our feed is uniform to our brand. I accomplish this by introducing a new organization technique to the company. At the last company I worked for, we had a working document for our Social Media posting schedule to hold us accountable. This proved to be extremely efficient, so the Script Haven marketing team decided to give it a shot as well. Together, we collaborated on this document, making weeks worth of content in just a few short days. This process included content curation, caption creation, and posting on time with the executive’s approval. Instead of constantly worrying about what our next post would be, we used this simple document to reach our deadlines.

If you are interested in screen-writing, this site can be your saving grace when it comes to selling your scripts. I would definitely recommend this internship to both Dodge students, as well as School of Communication students. Overall, I am grateful for my experience working at Script Haven because I felt that this internship was a priceless learning experience for me. Marketing is a vital tool that can guarantee the success of a business if done correctly. I hope to one day bring the knowledge and passion that I have gained from this experience into other opportunities I am presented with in the future.