As a Chapman Senior, I have enjoyed taking many courses within my major, SCC. Not only have these courses prepared me for post-grad life, but they also have supplied me with ample opportunities to dig deeper into my interests and find out what speaks to me. With that being said, there is a class in particular that stands out to me. This class is COM 302, Sports Communication. It highlights essential aspects of the sports industry, but it also gives a great foundation to the broader aspects of public relations within the sports industry.

This class is a stand-out within the School of Communication, and I would recommend that everyone takes it, as this class gives a hands-on first look into the sports world of communication. This includes things such as social media, newspapers, television, and radio as channels of communication. We also talked about the different styles of communication within sports—this ranges from between coach and athlete communication to organization/franchise and fan communication. We learned how to frame specific solutions and creatively problem-solve when relating concepts from the book to everyday sports interactions. We also discussed the importance of digital media during the pandemic in sports and how crucial it is to have an online presence in today’s day and age.

One of the most memorable projects that I did in this class was a press release. We were able to choose a sports scandal of our choice and write from the perspective of the PR agent dealing with the situation. I chose Tiger Woods, and it was a great experience being able to do extensive research on the topic, then relate it to what the class had taught us. It made us apply this real-world example, giving us a look into what a PR agent would be doing in crisis communication and how to deal with the situation in an acceptable manner.  This type of problem-solving and critical thinking is just one way this class has prepared me for the real world.

Overall, this course heightened my interest in the sports realm and inspired me to seek a job in this field. I have always been a fan of sports, but combining my passion for creative communication and sports opened my eyes to a possible career that would fulfill me in multiple ways. I cannot recommend this class more and honestly believe it is one of Chapman’s best courses. I strongly recommend this class to anyone that has an interest in sports PR, social media, or any type of communication. All of the aspects learned in this course set students up for great success within the sports industry.