Krystal and her friend

Hi! My name is Krystal Johnson and I am currently a Communication major and Leadership minor here at Chapman. This University has given me more than I could have asked for, and I am so grateful that I get to share my newly adapted skills within the workplace. The School of Communication prepared me for every challenge I have faced in a professional setting. Not only did it teach me everything I needed to know, but it helped me achieve a social media marketing internship at Pinnacle Property Management. 

I had never really known what I wanted to do post-grad, and I actually declared communication as my major because I knew it would help me in any field that I decided to pursue. Once the show “Selling Sunset” came out on Netflix I was SET on entering the real estate world. If you have yet to watch this show I highly advise you do so NOW. Immediately, I began to search for an internship that revolved around real estate/property management. Lucky for me, I didn’t go into the interview process empty handed. I had known a little bit about the real estate/ property management world because my best friend has been at Pinnacle for a little over a year. She has always talked so highly about the business, so when I was looking for an internship I thought it would be a fun idea to apply to Pinnacle. Little did I know that my decision would soon be the best of my life. 

Without the School of Communication, I don’t know if I would have been able to land my dream internship. Every course I took helped me in a different way, and I promise you, I mean every single one! One class in specific would be group communication with Professor Bejerano. With the help of her, and her trusty sidekick Poppy, I learned how to collaborate with a team to achieve overall success. Fun Fact, I actually met my best friend during this course, and she was in my group! No matter where life takes you, being able to work with others is such an important skill to have and it’s something that every employer wants to see in their interviewees.

At Pinnacle I do many different tasks, and what I love most about this company is how they constantly want to see me learn and grow as a person. A big part of my internship is managing their social media through different content calendars on excel. That is my favorite part because it allows me to be creative and show them what I can do. I also work as their temporary receptionist, and I shadow the manager to help her with an assortment of projects. Honestly, everyday I learn something new – and what helps the most is how patient and kind my co-workers are. When I mess up, my boss views it as a learning curve rather than me “messing up”. It is very important to be surrounded by an environment that is constantly supportive – especially when it is such a foreign concept at first. Being around such an amazing group of people has helped me gain so much knowledge. Rather than being worried about messing up all of the time, I am constantly alert and excited to learn. 

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Pinnacle taught me the true meaning of what it means to be patient. Sometimes tenants can be difficult, and it is so important that I remain calm. Along with patience this internship has given me confidence, integrity, fearlessness, and a love for the workplace. I feel so blessed to be a part of such an incredible group of people, and I can’t wait to see how I will grow further throughout this process. I am hoping that this internship will offer me a full time job, but if not, I am ready to show the world what I can bring to the table.