Since the Fall semester of 2020, I have been on the lookout for internship opportunities to explore more career options in the field of communication, marketing, social media, etc. In the Spring of 2021, I finally landed my first internship. My name is Kali Weisman from the class of 2022 and I am majoring in Communication Studies with a minor in Creative and Cultural Industries. For the Spring semester of 2021, I interned as a blog writer at the Los Angeles based company, ProspHer Agency (now known as H3R Magazine).

ProspHer was just getting started as a company and so a lot of their content on the website and social media was just starting to be created with a cohesive theme. ProspHer Agency was a coaching company that offered a subscription service for e-courses to inspire and aid women transitioning into the world from traumatic experiences such as domestic violence. Fast forward to now and they’ve completely rebranded themselves into a magazine that celebrates women in business.

I genuinely enjoyed my time with ProspHer and loved their mission and cause for becoming a company. It was a remote internship where my schedule was up to me. We had weekly meetings to check in with each other and ask questions or give feedback on each other’s blog posts. This was one of my favorite parts of the internship because I got to speak with the people I was working with even though we weren’t all together. It was kind of like seeing the other pieces of the puzzle that was ProspHer Agency. Nicole De Fulgentiis, the founder of ProspHer, would also be in these meetings and always emphasized how reachable she was. I could tell she was passionate about this company and believed in a strong and healthy work culture. 

Although blog writing wasn’t the original position I was applying for – I’m really glad I got to do it because I had creative freedom to write about things I wanted to write about. But while it was fun to write about things like local small businesses run by women or why WandaVision was the best work Marvel has put out, I also found it difficult to find enough relevant topics to write about. I oftentimes felt like my writing was less than subpar and I wasn’t providing what Nicole wanted for ProspHer. However, since Nicole had been building good relationships with all of the interns and closing that power gap I felt comfortable enough to reach out to her and ask questions when needed. Her and our editor, Mare Qualls, would tell myself and the other blog writers about our articles and give us feedback at our weekly meetings. Which let me know that I was on the right path.

One article I wrote for ProspHer Agency's Blog

I had mentioned in the beginning that ProspHer Agency has now turned into H3R Magazine which was a surprise to me when I got the email about updates to the company. H3R magazine now focuses more on celebrating women in business and to inspire others. So some new things that will be focused on with this rebranding is interviewing different women in business and keeping up a brand of classiness, grounded values, and inspiring stories.

I loved being able to work with ProspHer Agency AKA H3R Magazine and couldn’t have had a better first internship experience.

Some advice that I’d pass on to other students going into their internships to showcase your skills that you’ve learned from the School of Communication, even if those skills don’t apply directly to your internship position. Be outspoken to your supervisor that you are interested in doing other things if you are. For example, ProspHer had a podcast that they created but it had been put on the backburner since we were more focused on the website and the articles we were posting. In one of our weekly meetings, I had mentioned that I would be interested in helping with the ProspHer podcast because I was currently learning how to produce a podcast in one of my classes (shoutout to CCI-304 with Professor Ryan Haley). So don’t feel constricted to what you were assigned to if you have other skills and knowledge that can also be used.

Best of luck to other students on their internship journeys!