New Experiences and New Internship Candice Lee's Internship Experience at CMRubinWorld
December 13, 2022
Hi friends! My name is Candice Lee, and I am excited to tell you all about my fall internship. For some background, I am a Communication Studies major with minors in Creative and Cultural Industries and Integrated Educational Studies. I will be graduating this upcoming Spring and am so sad to leave this amazing school. This semester I had the opportunity to be a communication intern for CMRubinWorld.
I found this internship in the summer. I applied and they contacted me to schedule a phone interview. Many of my communication classes helped me prepare for the interview and internship. I took two marketing classes last semester and learned about reaching out to the correct audience. CMRubinWorld has a broad audience that reaches older adults and younger kids. Another class that helped me was Mass communication. I didn’t realize how many people this company was reaching out to and the impact it can play. Because of the number of people watching and reading our content, we needed to review all our messages to ensure they were perfect, not offensive, and effective.
I was hesitant to start this internship because it was vastly different from my summer internship. There were many skills I had to learn on the spot to understand how this company ran. I mainly wrote email blasts that were sent out to thousands of people. Each month I also posted tweets for their Twitter accounts. My favorite part of this internship was creating a film. My assignment was to make a video about Long Covid-19. I liked using my creativity and art skills to make an original video. I got a lot of creative freedom to do whatever I wanted and my bosses were there whenever I had questions. I loved all my work at CMRubinWorld and have learned so much within the past three months.

Long Covid-19 – Making an Original Video
This internship showed me both the business and creative sides of communication and how vast it is. I never imagined collecting data from emails or writing a film review for a new release. I learned I want to go into the marketing field of communication and make an impact on others. Because of this internship, I have decided to apply for the 4+1 Health and Strategic Communication Graduate program. I would love to learn and focus more on marketing and advertising and the importance of it.
If you are looking for an internship focusing on film reviews, email blasts, and social media management, I would recommend finding an internship like this. It teaches a lot and shows you what happens in the back end of a company’s marketing. I would love to talk with anyone who has questions about my internship or how I attained it. My Instagram is @candicemaisie and my email is This internship has been my favorite by far and I am glad to share my experience with you all.