Hello! My name is Emma Flemming, and I am a sophomore from Renton, Washington! I am a Communication Studies and Psychology major with a minor in the Honors (interdisciplinary studies) program.

Growing up, I was very involved in creative hobbies and ambitions. I did musical theater for ten years, choir, dance, photography, you name it. I loved being around and building relationships with creative people. When I was applying to college, my only criteria were a smaller school with a large creative and academic atmosphere, and after a simple Google search, Chapman piqued my interest.

However, when applying to college, I decided I wanted to pursue psychology despite my background in the arts. However, I decided to still give a shot at Chapman despite never having visited. After I sent off my applications to several schools, including Chapman, I had the opportunity to come down from Washington (my only home until I left for college) to tour the schools in California that I had applied to. Within seconds of stepping on campus, I knew Chapman was where I wanted to be due to the bustling energy of many friendly and creative people who seemed to have a great passion for learning.

Another thing that I love: hiking!

When I started the Psychology program in the fall semester of my first year, I instantly fell in love with learning about people and relationships. After speaking to an employer at an HR company in Seattle, they inspired me to consider adding a communications-based degree to my undergraduate experience as well. I looked into the Communication Studies program on Chapman’s website. After speaking with an advisor about my goals, I applied to the program and declared my second major during my second semester at Chapman.

Emma at a Delight Ministries Board Meeting- There is so many ways to get involved at Chapman!

Even though this is only my second-semester taking classes with the School of Communication, I already feel part of the community. I was inspired to apply to the Student Advisory Board through the School of Communication (SoC SAB) by one of my professors, who, like me, was once a student at Chapman with many interests, both academically and personally. She told me how much the School of Communication helped her figure out exactly what she wanted to get out of her college experience, and even her future plans down the road, while still incorporating so many of her passions.

I am so honored to be able to serve through the Student Advisory Board, as not only has been a great way to get to know my new community at Chapman but has also proven how amazing it is to get to work with and learn from others with different interests, backgrounds, and goals. I am so excited to not only be able to assist my peers in figuring out how to fit their passions into their experience at both Chapman and the School of Communication, but to also be able to highlight and celebrate the amazing community of unique stories and individuals!

Please feel free to contact me via my email: flemming@chapman.edu