Hello! My name is Ruthie Zeidman, I am from Portland, Oregon, and I am currently a freshman majoring in Strategic and Corporate Communication with a minor in Honors. I have known I wanted to major in communication/public relations/media since the beginning of high school, but I wasn’t aware of Chapman until about junior year. I googled, “best communication programs,” and the lovely Chapman popped up. This not only kickstarted hours of research into the university’s programs, classes, professors, clubs, and more, but it also opened my eyes to opportunities I did not even know I wanted to be a part of.

I chose Strategic and Corporate Communications (SCC) for my major because I am looking to work in the entertainment industry, and I was interested in the SCC classes, as well as how specific you can make the major. The “corporate” part of SCC was definitely intimidating to me, and I worried that my interests wouldn’t align with the major. I was quickly proven wrong, especially after having lengthy conversations with older SCC students. I could just tell by how genuine their words and expressions were that this was something they truly cared about, and I wanted to be a part of it. I knew this major would help me to make an impact and that is definitely a goal of mine. As someone who has been involved with nonprofits and enjoys volunteering, making a positive impact on my community is always a priority. I don’t know what exactly my future career will look like, but I do know that it will involve my love for communication and doing good.

My fellow SET committee members and I at fall concert!

My fellow SET committee members and I at fall concert!

The School of Communication has already had a huge impact on my experience as a freshman at Chapman. From holding events, such as the SoC Experience Day, to connecting us with older communication students, the School Of Communication has done so much to make younger students feel welcomed, supported, and excited for what’s to come. This is one of the reasons I decided to apply for the Student Advisory Board. I am passionate about giving back to this community, and the opportunity to do so through event planning, peer mentoring, and so much more was a perfect fit. I am looking forward to forging new connections, helping prospective and current students, continuing our welcoming and inclusive environment, and making the School of Communication the best community it can possibly be.

From opportunities within the School of Communication, such as the Student Advisory Board, to outside clubs like the Public Relations and Advertising Society, there are so many ways to explore my interest in communication. Additionally, I am involved on campus as a member of the Special Events and Traditions (SET) committee of the University Program Board (UPB), an admissions volunteer, and a regular at the Italian and History Clubs. Off campus, I enjoy volunteering at the Orange Farmers Market, just a short walk from my dorm. 

With one of my dogs, Bella.

With one of my dogs, Bella.

Outside of my involvements, I love to read, watch movies and TV, attend concerts, snuggle with my two dogs, and find the best local coffee shops. You can usually find me soaking in as much sun as possible, listening to music, petting a dog, or spending time with friends and family. 

My email is always open, so please do not hesitate to reach out. I can’t wait to connect with you. I can be reached at zeidman@chapman.edu.