At the BioDot office

I am a senior at Chapman University, pursuing a degree in Strategic Corporate Communication with a minor in Entrepreneurship. I’m part of the class of 2024. My passion is to use my communication and business skills to create a positive social impact and make a difference in the world.

I interned with a company called BioDot, which I found through Handshake. They are a biotech company that handles liquids. They have their own proprietary, quantitative technologies for dispensing low volumes of fluids (picoliter to microliter) that meet the needs of industrial, life science, diagnostic, and medical products.

My main task in this internship was handling the company’s customer relationship management (CRM). I had never managed a CRM before this internship. I now fully comprehend the importance of managing a database of leads. A lot of work needs to go into it, and my company spends $20,000 – $30,000 yearly to have the database. The CRM we use is called PipeDrive. I learned how to process and upload data into the database, convert leads to SQL status, and more. I coordinated with our sales team with leads we have in PipeDrive, which led to sales totaling over $100,000.

BioDot Team

A big win I had from this internship was educating the sales team on how to create leads in our CRM. When I first started this internship, I knew nothing about CRM. Now, I’m almost a master at it. I learned about what data in the lead is vital for BioDot and how to find it effectively. I also learned how to use automation in CRM to process pertinent data automatically when leads come in via web form. There have been many instances where the sales team created a lead on our CRM with missing data points that are vital for BioDot to have. I was allowed to train the sales team on how to properly process a lead on our CRM and create leads with all the pertinent data there.

I’m very grateful to have worked at BioDot. The staff, especially my team, went above and beyond to ensure I was learning and doing well in my internship. This internship gave me the opportunity to meet many great people. Additionally, I have gained many transferable skills that will help me in my future career. Some examples include managing a CRM, time management, talking with C-level executives/managers, technical communication in biotech, etc. Another vital transferable skill I received was learning how to overcome burnout. I did it in BioDot by remembering that I’m representing something larger than myself. What I mean by this is that I’m part of a biotech company that empowers diagnostics manufacturers and research organizations to bring their visions to market, improve clinical decision-making, and save lives. When I remember this, I became energized and wanted to do more work for BioDot to help make this significant impact.