My name is Bria Berish, and I am a senior at Chapman University majoring in strategic and corporate communication with a minor in music business. Over the past two years, I have been working at °1824 x Universal Music Group.

°1824 x Universal Music Group Logo

°1824 is Universal Music Group’s creative solutions team. They have content creation, strategic partnerships, PR, A&R, creator partnerships, and digital marketing teams. I work on the content team. My responsibilities include creating content for artists, such as shooting and editing concert recaps, working on sets for music videos, editing lyric videos, and more.

However, one of my favorite projects I worked on was editing the lyric video for Kate Hudson’s debut single “Talk About Love.” To create this video, I had to choose the best font, colors, and effects that were on brand for Kate Hudson’s style. This video helped gain more views on the °1824 social media pages and was an excellent promotional asset for her new song.

My communication courses have helped me succeed more in this position, especially the courses on organizational communication and message design. These courses introduced me to the concept of workplace culture and leadership styles, and on the creative side, I learned how to create and design an effective message campaign. My communication courses have helped me become a better communicator overall. This skill is critical for my role because I communicate daily, whether it be through email, in meetings, or collaborating with my coworkers on projects.

Working at this company has been a very beneficial experience for my future career. The most valuable thing I’ve learned on the team is the importance of adaptability and flexibility, especially in a fast-paced, creative environment. In this industry, many projects have tight deadlines and quick turnaround times. Being able to pivot creatively and have a flexible approach in order to incorporate other team members’ ideas is necessary to produce the best content possible for the client in the timeframe that they need it completed.

My advice for other students interested in this field is to network. Whether with classmates, professors, or guest speakers, learning how to build professional relationships is essential. Keeping these relationships helps open the door to new opportunities in the future.