Meet Suzie Oyama Member of the School of Communication Student Advisory Board
November 27, 2024
Hello everyone! My name is Suzie Oyama, and I am a first-year Strategic and Corporate Communication major. One reason why I came to Chapman was because it’s conveniently located near Disneyland, so many yummy restaurants and cafes, and most importantly, home. I also love the multiple resources Chapman provides, like late-night transportation if you don’t feel safe being alone, amazing academic advisors who just want the best for you, and a cute, petite campus that is definitely walkable. Overall, I was drawn to Chapman because of its homey atmosphere and the humble students working towards success and inspiring those around them. I love going coffee shop hopping with my friends or helping those around me by giving advice and lending a listening ear.

coffee shop in LA called Memory Look !
I am Japanese American and attended a Japanese School for 10 years, learning how to read, write, and speak Japanese and I am still not fluent! One of the most important things to me is embracing my Japanese culture because it helps me to communicate with my dad and grandma, who were born in Japan, as well as my aunt, who currently lives in Japan. I try to travel to Japan once a year with my brother, and each time, it makes me want to stay forever! I love going to Japanese cultural festivals held around the area in OC and at my old Japanese school, especially Obon, which I think is one of the prettiest festivals I’ve been to so far!

japan trip w/ my bestfriend <3
I commute to Chapman, which means I miss out on a lot of student life dorm-wise. One of the main ways I stay connected to student life is by joining clubs and organizations I want to participate in. I was quite scared I wouldn’t be able to find a group of friends because I didn’t have roommates or familiar faces when starting the year. Fortunately, Chapman is full of humble and kind people who also want to find their community and are navigating college just like everyone else. So, I made many friends by joining Chapman’s NSU (Nikkei Student Union), going to Commuter Student Events, and joining the School of Communication Student Advisory Board. Overall, finding your community at Chapman is incredibly easy because of the diverse demographic and tight-knit community. I felt right at home at Chapman immediately because of how many little events they have every week advertising their resources and clubs or organizations.

NSU friends !!
I applied to the Student Advisory Board because I remember when I visited Champan for Panther for a Day as a prospective student, 2 board members answered all the worries I had regarding committing to Chapman. Being able to talk to and get to know students face-to-face from my major truly solidified my commitment to Chapman. I felt this huge weight lift off my chest because I knew I had found the college I wanted to attend for the next 4 years of my academic career. Therefore, I wanted to be that guiding light for prospective students as well. Whether it’s committing to Chapman or finding something else that works for them, I want to give back the tremendously helpful experience that I had as a prospective Chapman student. For that reason, I am excited to serve as a board member on the Student Advisory Board to help my peers and make a positive impact on the School of Communication.
I can best be reached by my email:
Please feel free to email me anytime about any worries or questions you have!