On May 3, 2019, the School of Communication held its 3rd annual awards ceremony celebrating outstanding seniors and master’s students, honors students, and new Lambda Pi Eta inductees. This year was especially exciting as we introduced four new awards recognizing undergraduate and graduate students.

The first of these new awards was the STAR award. This award is given to undergraduate students who exhibit STAR behavior outside of just their coursework. The award is named after the STAR approach that faculty and staff of the School take in their work. STAR stands for Service, Teaching, Achieving your personal best, and Respect.

The other new awards are for graduate students in the Health & Strategic Communication master’s program. These awards are named after three of our incredible and devoted graduate program faculty; Dr. Jennifer Bevan (Outstanding Graduate Student), Dr. Michelle Miller-Day (Outstanding Graduate Student Research), and Dr. Jennifer Waldeck (Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant).

Congratulations to all of our outstanding seniors, master’s students, and new Lambda Pi Eta members! We are so proud of all you have accomplished.

School of Communication Award Recipients

Chapman Radio Award

Claire Epting


STAR Awards

Celeste Carbonell – Jasmine Lee – Hailey Salsman – Marek Spooner-LeDuff


Dean’s Award for Excellence

Natalie Benson, Communication Studies – Beatrice Lam, Global Communication and World Languages – Ashley Lynch, Strategic and Corporate Communication


Health & Strategic Communication Master’s Awards

Jennifer Bevan
Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Tessa Urbanovich

Michelle Miller-Day
Outstanding Student Research Award
Allison White

Jennifer Waldeck
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
Andrea Chirino

Departmental Honors

Communication Studies
Natalie Benson, Celeste Carbonell, Dorothy Carter, Samantha Delavari, Helene Drean, Courtney Harris, Jessica Juarez, Kristen Jung, Lauren Louie, Maddison Pilgrim, Noelle Roys, Katherine Shields, Raizi Simons


Strategic & Corporate Communication
Emilie Allen, Karly Bokosky, Madison Conrad, Sara Crossman, Brandon Garcia, Sara Gorman, Yaxi Lei, Kayla Loeb, Ashley Lynch, Emily Marcus, Madison Murphy, Sierra Oberacker, Julia Ross, Megan Taban, Emily Taifer, Kellyn Toole, Sophia Weil, Kyle Whatnall

Lambda Pi Eta Inductees

Anica Armstrong, Sasha Baharestani, Samory Bailey, Melissa Borgmeyer, Melissa Cheng, Erin Crowder, Sarah Downey, Katelyn Engler, Kailie Fagen, Abigail Francis, Robert Heins, Rebecca Israel, Hannah Kim, Rohgene Kim, Susie Kim, Brenden Krause, Jasmine Liu, Gina Pasquinelli, Jared Pena, Colleen Penaluna, Samantha Quevedo, Evan Realmuto, Tasha Rebensdorf, Alessandra Ricci Fisher, Katherine Ripp, Alexis Rosenkranz, Rochelle Salvador, Lisa Salvatore, Rivka Saydman, Kristin Shamshoum, Kendall Shaub, April Tran, Alexa Tyler, Karley Wilson, Cesar Zuniga

A special thank you to Dean Lisa Sparks for sponsoring the awards!