Greetings Everyone! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sasha Fahy, and I am currently a senior at Chapman University with a major in Strategic and Corporate Communication and a minor in Entrepreneurship. This past fall semester, I had the privilege of interning as a social media marketing intern at Amp and Go. Amp and Go is a social media marketing company that specializes in being the middle ground to connect brands and influencers. In other words, Amp and Go serves as the matchmaker to help influencers connect with brands, and in return, these influencers can better promote the brand if they have similar platforms. Their services help them both. The brand or company get more awareness about who they are and gain a wider target audience from the influencer’s help, and the influencers get paid to promote these brands that have some connection to their platform.

I found this internship through a job posting on LinkedIn in the summertime. I was instantly intrigued by the role and position that the company was looking for. When I saw their description of the type of employee they were looking for, I felt that with my personality and skills, I would be a strong candidate for the role. Soon after, I applied, and luckily, the process was straightforward. I uploaded my resume and filled out their application. Following that, one of the hiring managers from Amp and Go contacted me, asking for an interview. The interview process was less stressful than I thought since this would soon become my first internship. A few weeks after my interview, I received an email and was offered the job. Though this internship was a remote and unpaid position, I was still eager and interested in being a part of the team, especially since I want a future career in marketing. I instantly knew I wanted to accept this role for the knowledge and experience.

A photo of me working remotely, doing my daily plan of actions for Amp&Go.

Some of my primary responsibilities as a Social Media Marketing Intern were joining calls to meet with my supervisor and fellow interns to go over new ways and skills to look for when finding talent. Our supervisor would tell us the kind of talent/influencers to search for and showed us helpful ways to make our searches easier. Every day if we didn’t have a call, I was tasked with finding talent through various social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitch, and Twitter. I was asked to find 50-100 influencers that had a certain following, certain number of views, and had to fit the brand in a certain way. After we received the plan of action for the day, we would find the talent and criteria that was given and input them into an excel spreadsheet. We would input the following information: average views, contact information, talent name, and the social media links of these influencers. It was then up to our managers and higher up individuals to reach out to these influencers and connect the brands to the talent.

A photo of where I would input the talent/influencers I found to the company spreadsheet.

One of the most valuable things I learned while interning at Amp and Go was how important it is to be organized and have good/effective communication with your peers and supervisors. In juggling work calls and organizing my talent finds within the Excel sheet, I learned how to keep work organized and date everything so it doesn’t get mixed up with other data. I also learned the value and importance of good relationships with coworkers, fellow interns, and most importantly, your supervisor. My supervisor was extremely helpful whenever I would ask her for directions on how to handle a project or if I was unclear about something. I realized it was vital to speak up and ask questions if I was unsure. Lastly, I noticed how important it was to have a good relationship with my fellow interns so we could all have each other’s backs and remind each other that we are in this together.

In conclusion, I had a positive experience while working with Amp and Go as my first internship. Though it was remote, and I worked from my computer, my time, experiences, and work I put in helped prepare me for future careers to come. This was a good first internship experience because the company culture was helpful and patient with one another, and everyone was happy to work with one another, which I really enjoyed. Some advice that I would give to students who are unsure or wondering if they should intern at a company like Amp and Go, is to go for it. I was scared that it would be a handful as my first internship, but I am so glad I did it and learned so much from it. Not only did it help widen my network, but I gained real-world experience that will better prepare me for the career I want to work in. I also learned things about myself along the way, and now I have a better grasp and understanding of what fields I want to work in.