15 posts categorized in



Internship Blog Post RSA Entertainment

March 14, 2025 by | Internships

My name is Roxy Matos, and I am a sophomore at Chapman University, majoring in Communication Studies with a minor in Leadership. Over the interterm, I had the incredible opportunity to intern with RSA Entertainment in Burbank, California, as a Public Relations and Social Media Intern. This experience not only gave me a firsthand look

From Class to Real Life | An Unforgettable and Rewarding Research Experience Lindsey Chan takes on the role of Undergraduate Researcher

March 1, 2024 by | Students

Hello! My name is Lindsey Chan and I am a junior double majoring in Strategic & Corporate Communication and Business Administration. Over the Fall Semester, I had the opportunity to work directly with Dr. Ball in the School of Communication through a Student-Faculty Research/Creative Activity. Through this research experience, I was able to consequently work

Graduate Education Abroad: Health Communication & Inequalities in Across Health Professions Noel McGuire's and Cailin Kuchenbecker's experience in a five-week service-learning fellowship in Crete, Greece

July 24, 2023 by | Accomplishments

This past June, Ph.D. candidates Noel McGuire and Cailin Kuchenbecker traveled to Greece to participate in a five-week service-learning fellowship in Crete. The Health Communication & Health Inequalities Across the Health Professions in Greece and the U.S. program is a study abroad opportunity hosted by Rutgers University and was brought to the School of Communication

School of Communication’s WeCare Campaign SoC Student Advisory Board works to Connect Meaningfully in a Hy-flex semester

March 17, 2021 by | Students

The School of Communication at Chapman University is an amazing community-whether we are online or in person. The WeCARE Campaign was created by the School of Communication Student Advisory Board (SAB) to bring our students together and connect meaningfully during this Spring, 2021 online/hybrid semester. The SAB Students curated a series of events (with the

Faculty Awarded ECA’s 2019 Article of the Year

April 23, 2020 by | Accomplishments

Assistant Professor Hannah Ball and Assistant Dean Sara LaBelle of the School of Communication were awarded the Eastern Communication Association’s 2019 Article of the Year for their study published in Communication Quarterly entitled “College Student Goals in the Context of Prescription Stimulant Misuse: An Application of Goals-Plans-Action Theory.” Dr. Ball and Dr. LaBelle’s research focused

Utilizing your Intellectual Curiosity My Path to Undergraduate Research

July 11, 2018 by | Students

When intellectual curiosity meets persistence, anything is achievable. During Fall of my sophomore year, I enrolled in Research Methods with Dr. Keith Weber simply expecting a tough but practical class that I would soon forget; rather, that was the beginning of my love affair with the integration of statistics, theory, and experimentation into the single

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