44 posts categorized in



The Importance of Radio in Today’s Day and Age Anika Jiang's internship experience at Summit Media Hawaii

October 2, 2021 by | Uncategorized

Hello! My name’s Anika Jiang, a rising sophomore majoring in Business Administration (soon-to-be Marketing emphasis) and a Music Technology minor, which I just declared this past semester. Although I just finished my freshman year of college, I believe that it’s never too early to start gaining experience in a field you’re interested in — in

Marketing M Talia Mohajer's Internship Experience at Skywide Logic

October 1, 2021 by | Internships

Hello everyone! My name is Talia Mohajer and I am a junior Strategic and Corporate Communication major with a minor in Law, Justice and Social Control. This past semester, I worked as a marketing intern for SkyWide Logic. I found this internship on Handshake and used the quick-apply feature to submit my resumé and answer

Pepsi Pride Keegan Romero's Internship with Pepsico

October 1, 2021 by | Internships

Blog Link: //kromerochapmanedu.wordpress.com My name is Keegan Romero and I’m currently a senior. I will be graduating in the fall with a degree in Strategic and Corporate Communication. For my internship, I had an awesome opportunity to work as a relief salesman for Pepsico! Working in the Beverage Industry I found this opportunity by searching

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