Music has always been present in Orinda, California native Annie Kubitschek’s life. Whether it was with her family or in groups at school, she couldn’t help but sing. It wasn’t until she joined a children’s choir in middle school that her passion became a priority and she fell madly in love with the choral world.

Annie was fortunate to travel with her children’s choir to countries like Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. She performed in festivals and participated in exchanges with other children’s choirs from around the world. Her fondest memories include hosting girls from other countries at her home. She recalls sitting around her piano singing and playing together for hours. Although they spoke different languages and came from radically different cultures, the underlying human connection of music brought them together and allowed them to communicate with incredible depth.

This childhood community taught her how powerful a tool music instruction can be. Annie chose to pursue music at Chapman University because they offered a
music education program
within the Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music. This allowed her to take classes outside of her major and become a well-rounded performer, educator, and citizen.

“My personal belief is that every child deserves to have some form of music in their life,” says Annie. “Not only does it entail thinking on a very high level, but requires discipline and is a way for kids to really express themselves.”

She emphasizes that music also teaches math, spatial awareness, reasoning, teamwork and social skills. She believes that “even if they don’t become professional musicians, kids will feel a connection and always come back to music.”