Employment of medical and health services managers is expected to grow 18% from 2018 to 2028 (United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics). Due to recent changes in the healthcare landscape, the need for qualified healthcare administrators has never been higher. According to Forbes, a master’s degree in Healthcare Administration offers one of the best long-term opportunities.

In response to the growing need for healthcare leaders, Chapman University’s Crean College of Health & Behavioral Sciences is proud to announce a new articulation agreement with Concordia University in Irvine, CA. The agreement guarantees that graduates in Chapman’s Health Sciences, Psychology, and Applied Human Physiology meet all criteria to be accepted into  Concordia’s M.H.A in Healthcare Administration degree program, pending approval of application.

The 100% online, 2-year M.H.A program prepares students for leadership positions in a variety of healthcare settings, including: hospitals, corporate medical systems, outpatient clinics, long-term care facilities, private practice offices, nonprofit, and community-based healthcare organizations. Graduates are employed in a variety of sectors within the health services industry. Examples include operations, human resources, insurance, medical devices and supplies, marketing, finance, data analytics, and information technology.

In addition to providing yet another bridge opportunity, the agreement also offers Chapman students and alumni several exciting perks. Crean College undergraduates may be eligible to begin taking foundational courses in the M.H.A program before they even complete their undergrad degree. Pending approval of application, students may be allowed to take classes in the first semester of their senior year. What’s more, Chapman students and alumni get a 10% percent tuition discount.

Crean College undergraduates are invited to attend an information session hosted by Career Advisor Heidi Swanson and representatives from Concordia University:

November 14, 2019

10:30 AM- 12:00 PM

Argyros Forum, 209A

RVSP on Handshake

Further inquiries can be directed to in-house career advisor Heidi Swanson or directly with Concordia’s Admission Counselor, Melissa Hinrichs.