smailing photo of Cristina Inboden wearing a black topTell us about yourself! Where are you from, career goals, involvements at Chapman?

I am from Greenwood Village, Colorado. I am striving to be an emergency medicine doctor! I am involved in Women’s soccer, SGA, Chapman First Aid Team, and I am a tour guide, fellow, and office assistant for Chapman Admission.

What has been your favorite part (or memory) at Chapman so far?

My favorite memory at Chapman was Freshman year when we won in double overtime in order to be able to advance to the SCIAC tournament.

What would you like to accomplish as Crean Senator?

I would like to have a more open dialogue with students and faculty about opportunities to get more involved, gain mentorship, and to continue to make Crean students enjoy their college experience.

Describe yourself in three words

Passionate, honest, and hardworking (Shout out my mom for the words!)

If you could tell your freshmen year self some words of wisdom, what would it be?

I would tell them to make sure that you find balance in all things. Make sure you’re working hard in school, spending time with family and friends, finding hobbies you enjoy, and keeping yourself healthy.

How can students get in contact with you and voice their concerns or requests?

I can be reached via Instagram DM or my SGA email,

Anything else you want Crean College to know?

I am so excited to be working with awesome staff, incredible students, and bringing our Chapman Crean College family closer than ever!