65 posts tagged

Crean College


Studying the Science of Running

April 28, 2015 by Dr. Frank Frisch | News

The 11th annual Orange County Marathon is upon us, an event attracting participants from all over the nation. As they make their way from Fashion Island to the Fairgrounds, tens of thousands of runners will be on a quest to fulfill a personal dream. Do all these people really consider themselves runners? Sure, the elite

Lisa Bombarda: 2015 CSD Scholarship Winner

April 22, 2015 by | News

The winner of the 2015 Baldwin Scholarship is Lisa Bombarda, a first-year graduate student at Chapman University’s Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Masters Program, soon to be housed at Crean College . She lives in Anaheim, attended Rosary High School in Fullerton, and earned her undergraduate degree at UCLA. She was introduced to the Scottish

Big Data, Big Discoveries: Nonlinear Datapalooza Event

February 9, 2015 by Molly Fitzpatrick & Jessica Arnaldo | Events

Living in a world of big data and discovery, individuals are prone to ask the question, “What do I do now?” You may have spent hours collecting the data, though it may also be very overwhelming, leaving you with many unanswered questions. In the first non-didactic conference of its kind, Datapalooza was held by the Society for

Psychological Well-being Effect on Diabetes Risk

January 22, 2015 by | News

Dr. Julia Boehm, Assistant Professor for Crean College , Department of Psychology was recently published in Health Psychology, a respected journal publication of the American Psychological Association . Dr. Boehm’s research investigates the association between psychological well-being and incident diabetes. Creating the first study of it’s kind, associating positive psychological health to the probability

Dr. Frederick Jealousy Research Receives Widespread Media Attention

January 20, 2015 by | News

Dr. David Frederick, Assistant Professor of Psychology for Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences received worldwide media attention for his recent research findings.  A total of 63,894 participants ages 18-65 years completed the survey, in the first large-scale examination of gender and sexual orientation differences regarding infidelity and jealousy.  The pu blished research

Students & Alumni Honored at DPT White Coat Ceremony

January 14, 2015 by | News

January 9 th brought a new generation of scholarly students to Chapman University’ s renowned Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)  program. One of the longest running and highly prestigious DPT programs in the United States, only the top 5% were accepted and will continue 87 years of tradition and excellence this upcoming year. Welcoming the Class of

Crean College Presents at Student Research Day

December 18, 2014 by | News

Wednesday, December 10 th 2014 marked a day of opportunity and advancement at Chapman University’s Student Research Day . Students of Crean College showcased 10 studies and months of research, displaying their collaboration with renowned faculty and fellow students. Studies of sleep deprivation, maternal behaviors, distracted driving, and the risks associated with

Physical Therapy Students Put the FUN in Fitness

December 17, 2014 by | News

Eleven Chapman Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) students took their first day of winter break to support athletes at the Southern CA Special Olympics. They along with two physical therapy faculty members conducted fitness tests for athletes preparing for the Fall Games.  The FUNfitness program is a worldwide program through Special Olympics provided by physical

First Annual Crean College Harvest – Donates to Community

December 4, 2014 by | News

As we continue this holiday season it is helpful to keep in mind our gratitude for the opportunities we have and pay this forward by assisting others in need. Our students and faculty are certainly doing just that with great events here at Crean College! Students and faculty gathered yesterday afternoon in the

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