The Internet and the Future of TV

     Google has just announced technology that will allow TV viewers to flip seamlessly between traditional TV shows, YouTube videos and other Internet content.   Called Smart TV, the software will be built into Internet-connected TVs, Blu-ray players, and set-top boxes.

     How are we at Chapman keeping pace with the light-speed changes in TV?  By teaching cutting-edge courses like Byte-Sized Television, where students create their own original short-form web series.

     Sites like YouTube and funnyordie make it possible for students to post their work and have it viewed by thousands – even millions.  Not only that, but the networks, studios and talent agencies are now scouring the Web looking for the next generation of TV talent.  CBS just ordered the series Bleep My Dad Says…based on a series of Twitter postings!  HBO now airs Funny or Die presents – a collections of shorts from that website.

     Our students are brimming with creative ideas for new shows (check out Model Family on YouTube, as one example.)  Enrollment demand for Byte-Sized TV has gone through the roof.

     Do you want to create your own TV show?  Then come to Chapman and major in Television!