It was a packed house as the Prime Time TV Club got the inside story on what it was like on the set of LOST from actress Mira Furlan, who played Rousseau on the acclaimed hit series.  Furlan, who grew up and learned her craft in the former Yugoslavia, is a household name in her homeland, where she is known as "the Meryl Streep of Europe."  But when civil strife made it impossible for her to remain in her homeland, she packed up and moved to the United States and has built another great career for herself.

Furlan showed clips from her scenes on LOST then talked about the atmosphere on the set (tense), her acting process (totally committed to each part) and her upcoming schedule of feature film parts.  Afterward, students got the chance to talk one-on-one with Furlan, who is as soulful and riveting in person as she is on screen.