It was just another day at the office for Anne Portwood (TBJ ’11)…

As an assistant to a TV literary agent at WME (William Morris Endeavor), one of the largest talent agencies in the business, she was booking appointments for TV writer clients to have staffing meetings with Dan Harmon, Executive Producer of the hit NBC comedy Community.  What Anne didn’t know was that when she got Harmon’s assistant on the line, she’d be speaking with fellow Chapman alum Daniella Beintema (TBJ ’09).  They shared a laugh about what a small world it is – then got down to business and set up the appointments.

The lessons?  One – Chapman TV students don’t just major in TV, they learn how the business works then go get jobs in the industry.  Two – be nice to your classmates and fellow students.  You may be asking them for a job someday!